Current Program
Project status: Closed
The ACT Government is committed to enabling a healthy community environment, ensuring community infrastructure is accessible and inclusive to people at all ages and stages of their lives.
The Age Friendly Suburbs Program is an ACT Government commitment to improve path network infrastructure and connectivity in suburbs with a large proportion of residents aged over 55 years, and also home to aged care and retirement facilities.
The Program got underway in the 2015-16 financial year, with funding provided over this time for upgrades to 12 suburbs. In the 2021-22 ACT Budget funding was provided for age friendly improvements in the suburbs of Reid, Chifley, Scullin and O'Connor.
How you had YourSay
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on proposed age friendly improvements in the suburbs of Reid, Chifley, Scullin and O'Connor. Feedback closed Wednesday 23 November 2022.
A What We Heard report summarising the key themes in community feedback is available here.
Improvements have been identified through community path requests including Fix My Street data and suburb-wide desktop and on-the-ground analysis. Following engagement with targeted stakeholders including community and resident associations in each suburb, we are now inviting the broader community to provide their feedback on the improvements proposed in their suburb and to let us know if there are any other improvements we should consider to improve accessibility.
Feedback was provided through surveys for each of the suburbs, emailing feedback to the project team or attending a pop-up in each of the suburbs.
We are looking at
In 1950, Canberra was home to fewer than 20,000 people, and now the city is preparing for a population of more than 500,000 by 2030. According to 2021 Census data, 13.8% of Canberrans are aged 65 years and over. This is about 60,000 people – and this number will continue to grow. The Age Friendly Suburbs Program aims to create opportunities for a healthier and more active lifestyle among older residents and those with mobility needs.
Suburbs for improvements under this Program are identified through community path requests, such as Fix My Street, the condition of existing infrastructure and information sourced from the community including the Council of the Ageing (COTA).
The upgrades to be delivered are determined by:
- number of respondents that raised the same issue
- likely use and popularity of the facility
- connectivity to adjoining destinations
- continuity and connectivity of path routes
- road classification and type
- path hierarchy and location
- available project budget.
The final locations for age friendly improvements have been released with construction expected to commence in late 2023.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on proposed age friendly improvements in Reid. This consultation has closed.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on proposed age friendly improvements in Chifley. This consultation has closed.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on proposed age friendly improvements in Scullin. This consultation has closed.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on proposed age friendly improvements in O'Connor. This consultation has closed.

Previous suburbs
The Age Friendly Suburbs Program began in the 2015-16 financial year and was initially funded until 2021. The suburbs to receive upgrades under the Program were;
The upgrades completed as part of the project in each suburb to date are summarised below.
Improvements delivered:
- a new path along the northern side of Banaga Place adjacent to the oval which will link to the new path on Banambila Street
- a new crossing connection across Banaga Place
- a new path along Banambila Street between Arabana Street and Banaga Place
- lowering of the speed limit from 60km/h to 50km/h along Bandjalong Crescent
- installing new 50km/h signage at the end of school zones (onto Bindel Street)
- reducing lane width along Bandjalong Crescent to 3.5 metres and creating a shoulder
- line marking on-street parallel parking spaces adjacent to Aranda Primary School between Bindel Street and Banambila Street.
Improvements delivered:
- a new path from the existing bus stop on White Crescent to Howse Street
- a new two metre wide pedestrian refuge on White Crescent
- a new path through the parkland from the Campbell shops to White Crescent
- a new path behind the Southern Cross Care W.E O’Brien Court facility towards the Campbell shops.
Improvements delivered:
- a new path through the parkland to Fremantle Drive connecting to existing path network behind Adria Village Aged Care facility
- a new crossing on Fremantle Drive adjacent to the bus stop near the Adria Village Aged Care facility
- a new crossing on Fremantle Drive adjacent to the Bupa Aged Care facility.
Isabella Plains
Improvements delivered:
- a new path from Cromwell Circuit to the existing cycle path
- a new zebra crossing over Ellerston Avenue to provide access to the Isabella Plains shops
- various upgrades to the Isabella Plains shop’s car park to help reduce vehicle speeds including:
- two new speed cushions
- increasing the size of the car park central island to reduce aisle widths from more than 10 metres to approximately six metres
- new line marking to change part of the car park to one-way circulation.
Improvements delivered:
- a new path along Brockman Street between St Aidans Retirement Community and La Perouse Street
- a new path connecting the existing path on Carnegie Crescent to the bus stop adjacent to the Carnegie Crescent/Finniss Crescent intersection
- upgraded kerb ramps across Lumeah Street at Boolimba Crescent intersection and new crossing point on Boolimba Cresent to community garden
- a new path along the indicative dirt path through parkland between Boolimba Street and Bareena Street
- removal of existing path on Kootara Crescent and construction of a new one between Boolimba Crescent and community services driveway (towards the Narrabundah shops)
- removal of existing kerb ramps on Arinya Street and construction of a new one at Boolimba Crescent intersection
- replacement of kerb ramps on Leahy Close at Goyder Street intersection.
Improvements delivered:
- a new refuge island on Hardwick Crescent off Starke Street between the car wash and McDonalds
- a new pedestrian refuge island on Starke Street near existing underpass nearest intersection is with Luke Street
- a new refuge island and path connection on Starke Street near the roundabout with Hardwick Crescent
- an additional pedestrian refuge island on Luke Street between the Uniting Church and local shops as well as three speed cushions and additional lighting.
Improvements delivered:
- installation of new speed cushion on Namatjira Drive - Mirinjani Village
- Namatjira Drive underpass (south side): upgrade and realign footpath to give direct access up to Namatjira Drive
- Namatijra Drive underpass (north side): upgrade and realign footpath to give direct access up to Namatjira Drive
- Hilder Street opposite Lycett Street: construction of new 1.5 metre footpath
- footpaths within open space west of Cooleman Court: isolated footpath improvements and additional signage
- shared path near Weston Uniting Church: new 1.5 metre path connecting to existing shared path.
Improvements delivered:
- Wakefield Avenue/Wakefield Gardens: realignment of crossings and new kerb ramps
- Cowper Street/Bonney Street/Foveaux Street: new alignment of road crossings and footpath
- Northern footpath on Wakefield Avenue (Angus Street to Wakefield Gardens): new 1.5 metre footpath including kerb ramps
- Wakefield Gardens Park: uneven surface areas to be filled to provide users with a wider turning circle
- Hawdon Street: realignment of crossings and new kerb ramps
- Suttor Street and O’Connell Street: construction of new 1.5 metre footpath including kerb ramps where required
- Cox Street and O’Connell Street: construction of new 1.5 metre footpath including kerb ramps where required.
Improvements delivered:
- paths between Goodwin Village and Monash Shops along Cockcroft Avenue
- paths between Cockcroft Avenue and Cowdery Place
- pram crossings and refuge islands associated with these three paths.
Improvements delivered:
- the path between the childcare centre and Kaleen Plaza along Georgina Crescent
- the path between the shared path south of Rubicon Street and the car park in front of the Kaleen Community Hall
- existing crossing across Maribyrnong Avenue in front of Kaleen Plaza
- paths and crossings at Gwydir Square.
Improvements delivered:
- a new refuge island on Groom Street, south of the intersection with Carruthers Street
- an opening in the traffic island and kerb ramps on Carruthers Street east of the intersection with Groom Street
- a completed path connection from the refuge island on Groom Street, to the refuge island on Carruthers Street
- a new refuge island and speed hump on Kent Street north of the intersection with Birdwood Street and the replacement of the old, concrete bus shelter with a new glass shelter
- remediation of sections of path in the green belt open space that runs behind Hughes Primary School.
Improvements delivered:
- a new path along Birrell Street between Burkitt Street and Knaggs Crescent
- a new path along Knaggs Crescent between Burkitt Street and Dallachy Street
- a new path connecting Thozet Place and Bynoe Place through the open space.