ACT 2025-26 Budget Consultation
Help shape the priorities for the ACT's 2025-26 budget.
Have your say on these topics now.
Help shape the priorities for the ACT's 2025-26 budget.
View proposals to make streets more pedestrian-friendly in four key locations throughout City Centre, Braddon and Dickson.
We’re improving the presentation of the Sydney and Melbourne Buildings in partnership with property owners.
The Canberra community is invited to share their memories, stories, images and footage of Manuka Oval in recognition of the Centenary of this iconic Canberra venue.
These engagements remain open, but are not currently asking for community feedback.
Have your say on Light Rail Stage 2B Environmental Impact Statement.
We want to further understand what local community and visitors would value in the future Lathlain Steet Precinct.
Help shape the future heart of the Molonglo Valley.
We want to understand community needs and expectations to design the future suburb of Kenny.
Share your experience, views and knowledge to inform the next version of the plan.
Your feedback will help us create a vision for the Canberra Civic and Cultural District and bring to life the ACT Government’s ambition to be Australia’s Arts Capital.
Seeking input to early planning for this site to ensure it is developed in a sustainable way that contributes positively to the surrounding community.
Tenancy and occupancy laws provide rights and protections for people to feel secure and comfortable in their homes. Should these be improved in the ACT?
Share your thoughts on the Nature Conservation Act and how it should look in the future.
The ACT Government is seeking feedback from the community on the draft ACT Water Strategy.
What would you name the three new public spaces around the future CIT Woden Campus?
The ACT Government is reviewing whether current off-the-plan contract laws are effective for property buyers and sellers.
Help us make Dickson Shops a more accessible, safe and attractive family friendly community and shopping hub.
Have your say on the proposed boundary fence at Farrer Primary School
We are seeking views from kinship and foster carers and other interested parties, to ensure the charter resonates with those it has been developed to support and empower.
Help shape the priorities for the ACT's 2024-25 budget.
The ACT Government is strengthening and improving how we manage trees in the ACT.
Make Canberra a great place for growing old.
Designing libraries for the future with our community.
The ACT Government is seeking the views of the ACT community on approaches to restricting gambling advertising on television and radio within the ACT.
Have your say on a new waterfront park and estate planning for future development at the Acton Waterfront.
Have your say on the third and final action plan to deliver on the goals of the 10-year ACT Women’s Plan 2016-26
Preventing and responding to domestic, family and sexual violence.
Have YourSay on how we connect nature and people along Sullivans Creek.
Have YourSay on a draft Regional Drought Resilience Plan for the ACT.
Have your say on what services are included in the design for the new North Gungahlin Health Centre
Have your say on what services are included in the design for the new Inner South Health Centre
Help shape the Kingston Arts Precinct. It will be a leading destination for visitors and locals to explore contemporary visual arts and culture in the ACT.
An exciting transformation is planned for the Canberra Theatre Centre.
Tell us how we can help improve visitor experiences in ACT parks and reserves
We want your views to help shape what voluntary assisted dying laws will look like in the ACT
Provide feedback on how we propose to safely and effectively manage hazardous materials within the ACT.
A statutory review of the operation of criminal offences introduced in 2021 to better protect vulnerable Canberrans.
Delivering better care closer to home in the ACT
The ACT Government wants to introduce lower bet and credit limits for electronic gaming machines in the ACT.
The Suburban Land Agency (SLA) will soon be releasing two blocks of land in Moncrieff and one in Taylor.
Have your say on a Charter of Rights for parents and families involved with ACT child protection services.
Tell us what restrictive practices should not be used when protecting a person or others from harm under the Senior Practitioners Act.
Housing and a park planned for Section 76 in north Watson
Strengthening the way we can be ready for and recover from disasters
Have your say on what services are included in the design for the new South Tuggeranong Health Centre.
Improving outcomes and opportunities for all children, young people and families in the ACT.
Mitigating the effects of climate change, an evolving security environment and emerging threats.
Improving our ability to protect children and preserve families.
Have your say on keeping people safe by improving information sharing between domestic and family violence agencies.
We are reviewing the draft Urban Open Space Land Management Plan to shape the future management of urban parks, sportsgrounds, dog parks and other public open spaces.
We are adopting a place-based approach for the remaining GTC land releases to capture the current and future community’s insights, priorities, and vision for this area.
The ACT Government, in partnership with Capital Football is building a new ‘Home of Football’ at Throsby .
The ACT Government is upgrading Phillip District Enclosed Oval to bring it in line with other high-quality enclosed facilities in Canberra.
Provide input into the development of a masterplan for the University of Canberra Stromlo Forest trails.
Help inform a successful night-time and entertainment economy in the ACT.
The East Lake Place Plan captures the identity, character and values of the East Lake area to guide planning and future urban renewal.
ACT Government is engaging on the development of a best practice village-style model of care for dementia patients to inform core components of the development.
Have your say on building a better framework for Canberra's planning and building system.
Increasing opportunities for women in the construction industry
Help shape the future of this mixed use site in Lawson
The draft ACT Circular Economy Strategy sets the vision, strategic objectives and focus areas to take the first steps to transitioning to a circular city.
The ACT Government, in partnership with Tennis Australia and Tennis ACT, is building a new state of the art tennis facility in Gungahlin.
Four prominently-positioned sites in Wright and Coombs are being released. Help shape these mixed-use and community-zoned sites in Molonglo Valley and talk to us.
Have YourSay on a Native Species Conservation Plan for the iconic Koala, known as Gula in Ngunnawal language.
Have your say on the regulation of online ordering and same-day delivery of alcohol to reduce harm and enhance community safety.
Help name our suburbs, streets and other places to celebrate Australia's remarkable people, heritage and history
Have your say on the future off-leash dog park in the Lanyon Valley.
Detailed design work is underway to duplicate the final 4.5 kilometres of William Hovell Drive between Drake-Brockman Drive and John Gorton Drive.
Let us know your thoughts on the 2024 Canberra and Region Heritage Festival
The ACT Government will be reviewing the emblems which represent and celebrate the Australian Capital Territory.
Find out about what's happening in Woden as the region enters a period of growth and renewal.
ACT Health is working in collaboration with Canberra’s disability community to finalise the draft ACT Disability Health Strategy.
Seeking feedback about the review of policies related to the use of mobile phones and other devices by students in ACT public schools.
We are planning and readying our city for an all-electric future.
Have your say on how we can better provide community facilities for the needs of Gungahlin now and into the future.
Seven new and upgraded play spaces are planned across Canberra in the next two years.
Public spaces at local shops across Canberra are being improved over the next two years.
The ACT Government has prepared a master plan for the Kippax group centre that sets out a vision to guide the growth and development in the centre over time.
How would you transform City Hill Park to become a vibrant natural hub in the city centre?
The proposed design will improve pedestrian connections in Braddon.
As Telopea Park School is planning to expand, we welcome residents and the school community to share their traffic, parking and pedestrian experiences around the school.
We are seeking feedback on the Senior Practitioner Act 2018, which guides uses restrictive practices in education, disability, and the care and protection of children.
We want to know what locals, neighbours and visitors would value in the future Jacka Local Centre.
Building sustainable rural and urban agriculture systems
Help us name a new streetsweeper and two articulated loaders that will soon join the City Services fleet.
Check out the proposed designs for Woolley Street's new look.
Upgrades to Lonsdale Street are underway.
These proposed upgrades to landscaping, lighting and underground services are the next phase in renewing the Sydney and Melbourne Buildings.
Have your say on the proposed Garema Place upgrade.
We are seeking your views on a draft blueprint for the mental health sector to support the 2023-24 mental health subsector commissioning process.
Have your say on the draft ACT Active Travel Plan to enable more people to walk and ride to commute, exercise or socialise.
The community were invited to provide feedback on the preliminary design for upgrades.
The community were invited to provide feedback on the preliminary design for upgrades.
Public space improvements will be constructed along Hardwick Crescent in Kippax.
The revitalisation of the Tuggeranong Town Centre is continuing with the next stage of improvements set to be delivered along the foreshore precinct.
We are building a new recreation park in Casey.
We are building a new playground for the inner north, adjacent to Canberra Technology Park in Watson.
Public space improvements will be undertaken in 2023 at Charnwood shops.
Improvements will be made to Brierly Street in 2023.
Design work is progressing for improvements along Sulwood Drive that will make accessing Mount Taylor easier and safer for the many visitors to it each year.
Thank you for sharing your views on plans for the future Southern Memorial Park.
Designs have been prepared for upgrades at the Gwydir Square local shops in Kaleen. We invited the local community to have their say.
Designs have been prepared for upgrades at the local Duffy shops. We invited the local community to have their say.
Designs have been prepared for upgrades at the local Campbell shops on Blamey Place. We invited the local community to have their say on the designs.
Find out more about the 2022 draft update to the City Plan and how you can get involved in shaping it.
Have your say on the ACT Disability Strategy to reflect the views and priorities of Canberrans with disability.
What will it take to make Canberra a mountain bike destination of choice?
The ACT Government is reviewing the ACT Seniors Card Program to see how it can be more accessible and beneficial to eligible card holders.
Delivering strategic reforms and implementing improved heritage systems
Richardson - got a little idea that could make a BIG impact in your community? We want to hear from you!
Page - got a little idea that could make a big impact in your community? We want to hear from you!
Provide feedback on the expansion of the ACT's Container Deposit Scheme which is proposed to include more eligible drink containers.
Have your say on the ACT Preventive Health Action Plan to prevent chronic disease in our community
Have your say on regulatory reforms that will require all home swimming pools in the ACT to have a barrier that is compliant with modern safety standards.
Share your views on different options to regulate property developers.
A right to appeal a wrongful conviction due to new and compelling evidence will enhance the ACT criminal justice system.
The ACT Government wants Canberrans to consider the introduction of a right to a healthy environment in the Human Rights Act 2004.
Help us develop a new Council to advise the Minister for Multicultural Affairs on issues of importance for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Contribute to the development of a place of reflection for those impacted by ‘Mr Fluffy’ loose fill asbestos insulation in Canberra.
Yerrabi Pond in Gungahlin is a popular recreation spot. We invited the local community to have their say on improvements to enhance the Pond's public spaces.
Help us to create a great new place in the heart of Woden town centre
Canberrans are invited to provide feedback on the shared e-scooter scheme which now includes Tuggeranong, Molonglo and additional areas of Weston Creek and Woden Valley.
The ACT Government intends to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14, no more than 2 years after first raising it to 12.
We are preparing the final community use land release in Coombs. Have your say in determining the preferred uses for the site.
We're working with hospital staff, consumers and the community to design a bigger and better Canberra Hospital.
Have your say on the Future Whitlam Local Centre. We are seeking your input on the values, aspirations, and priorities for the future Local Centre.
Find out what’s happening now at this key urban renewal site in Canberra’s inner north
Have YourSay on the ACT High Country Bogs and Associated Fens Ecological Community Draft Action Plan.
A range of legislation improvements are being considered to further enhance our education system.
Have YourSay on a proposal to address the loss of Max and Bert Oldfield’s Hut and Demandering Hut in Namadgi National Park during the 2020 bushfires.
We’re continuing our ban on single-use plastics. New items to be banned include plastic plates and bowls, takeaway containers and heavyweight and boutique plastic bags.
New facilities for dragon boating will be built at Grevillea Park, further activating the East Basin part of Lake Burley Griffin.
Thank you for sharing the nature experiences you love in Canberra to help shape the strategy.
Have YourSay on a proposed raingarden in Higgins.
The ACT Government is introducing new legislation to further strengthen and improve how we manage trees in the ACT.
The draft Action Plan to Prevent the Loss of Mature Native Trees in the Territory outlines how we can prevent more losses in urban and rural areas and in our reserves.
Seeking feedback on your use of the online tool FuelCheck.
Have your say on the provisional registration of significant sites to the Heritage Register.
We asked Canberrans to have their say on the future management of play spaces in the ACT.
Help name the cranes at the CIT Woden Campus construction site by choosing your favourite names from the finalist shortlist below.
Help shape the priorities for future ACT Budgets
Have YourSay on fish stocking in the ACT by providing feedback on the Fisheries Management Plan: Fish Stocking 2022 – 2027.
We are celebrating 50 years of ACT public education and want to hear the stories of ACT public schools staff, students and alumni
Have your say on the logo and uniform for the ACT’s newest public high school – Shirley Smith High School in East Gungahlin.
The ACT Health Directorate are seeking representatives for key reference and advisory groups relating to maternity and perinatal mental health.
An off-leash dog park is being built in Franklin.
Natural Resource Management Plan
Work is continuing to improve path network infrastructure and connectivity in suburbs as part of the Age Friendly Suburbs Program
The ACT Heritage council is asking for your comments on the provisional registration of the Former Commonwealth Bank Building to the ACT Heritage Register.
Review and give feedback on the proposed design concept for a new community centre in Haig Park.
The Education Directorate sought the views of the Aranda community on the proposed design of a boundary fence around Aranda Primary School. The design is now finalised.
The ACT Health Directorate are seeking representatives for the ACT Clinical System Governance Committee and welcome your nomination.
Creating more accessible, inclusive, and safer public spaces.
The ACT Government is developing a formal registration scheme for professional engineers. We want your thoughts on what the scheme should look like.
Your opportunity to shape the future of Canberra’s largest National Park
Help us co-design nature play spaces in Woden, the City, and Farrer.
Engaging stakeholders in the construction and surveying industries on upcoming reforms and regulation changes.
We're increasing the tree canopy coverage across our city and providing more green space for Canberran’s to enjoy.
The ACT Government has released the 2018 ACT Planning Strategy.
Share your views on the Draft Framework that will help guide future development and urban renewal initiatives along the Northbourne Avenue corridor into the city centre.
The ACT Government is investigating whether the housing needs of the Canberra community are currently being met and how they can be better met in the future.
The ACT Government has introduced guidelines to encourage developers to have meaningful engagement with the community prior to submitting a development application (DA).
Draft variations to the Territory Plan will help to implement recommendations from the Woden Town Centre Master Plan and Mawson Group Centre Master Plan.
Have your say on a draft variation to the Territory Plan that will allow more growth in the Gungahlin Town Centre.
The Minister for Planning's Statement of Planning Intent sets out the main planning principles that govern planning and land development across the ACT.
Have your say on the future of Canberra’s urban sounds and help us strike a balance between the needs of different businesses, residents and entertainment spaces.
Nature play space for school and community
Have you attended an event in the 2023 Canberra and Region Heritage Festival? Provide your feedback here.
The 2022 Canberra and Region Heritage Festival is back. Submit your feedback to help us continue to improve this annual event.
Have you hosted an event in the 2023 Canberra and Region Heritage Festival? Provide your feedback here.
We invite you to join the conversations shaping north Canberra.
Feedback has now closed on this consultation. A final policy will be issued in 2017.
Have YourSay on what equipment and amenities you'd like included in the new play space.
Have your say on how we manage cats and dogs in the ACT.
Help us choose a name and uniform for the new public school in Throsby.
The ACT Government undertook a review of the suitability of Orana Bay in Yarralumla as a dog off-leash swimming area.
The Human Rights Commission is seeking your views on the Client Services Charter.
The ACT Treasury has undertaken a review into water costs for high-intensity club users of non-potable water.
Thank you for sharing your ideas and feedback on the ACT’s graduated licensing scheme.
A citizens’ jury of Canberrans has chosen a scheme for Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance in the ACT.
Help inform the new ACT Arts Policy and Arts Organisational Funding Model.
Help us set targets and find solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to net zero emissions
Help us work better with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises.
Informing the priorities for the 2019-20 ACT Budget
The annual ACT Budget Consultation is an opportunity for community members to share their views on how ACT Government’s resources could be allocated.
Canberrans are invited to provide feedback on proposed changes to parking at Garran shops.
The ACT Government is looking at ways to give renters more rights on four key areas of reform. Community feedback will be an important consideration under these changes.
The ACT Government wants to modernise discrimination law to support best practice in promoting equal opportunity, respect for diversity and social inclusion.
Working with property owners, businesses and the community to revitalise the the Sydney and Melbourne buildings
Were seeking your views on mental health and wellbeing in the ACT, so we can better support our community.
Seeking community feedback on the drug strategy action plan 2022 to 2026
Help us deliver the new laws recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
You're invited to participate in a Monash University Accident Research Centre survey being conducted on behalf of the ACT Government about our road safety cameras.
Help us to create great new places in the Belconnen Town Centre
The ACT Government has committed to the goal of introducing minimum energy efficiency standards for rental homes.
The Curtin Group Centre Master Plan will outline a vision to guide growth and development in the centre.
We want community help to deliver a landscape plan that manages and conserves the natural environment while providing visitors the chance to engage with the site.
The Government plans to further protect our environment by declaring another 380 animals as pests and now requiring licences for another 78 animals .
Do you care about conserving our waterways? You might be interested in what's happening with carp and how we plan to conserve our aquatic and riparian areas.
Disability Access & Inclusion Plan supports a positive culture of disability awareness, response and delivers safer, more accessible services for people with a disability
Have your say on our much loved lakes and ponds
Everyone has a role to play in making the ACT safer from bushfire
To encourage more people to exercise to and from work, requirements for some buildings to have bike parking, change rooms and other end-of-trip facilities are proposed.
View and comment on the proposed approach for managing environmental impacts at a future land release and redevelopment site on London Circuit.
If you live in Gungahlin, have your say on the proposed community garden in Throsby.
Be a part of the ACT Government’s implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Ensuring Canberra continues to grow as an inclusive and connected city with the ACT Multicultural Framework Second Action Plan (2018-2020).
Thank you for sharing your views on draft designs for public housing renewal in Greenway.
Help shape the priorities for the 2020-21 ACT Budget
Did you attend an event as a part of this years Heritage Festival? Let us know your thoughts by providing feedback so we can improve future years events.
We want the community to provide comment on the woodland sanctuary strategy which will allow us to manage and conserve the natural environment
We are proposing changes to two complex areas of residential tenancy law: the share housing framework and occupancy law.
A place-making and public space design project for Garema Place, City Walk, Petrie Plaza and Ainslie Place.
Shaping equitable outcomes for Canberra's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Have your say on Draft Environmental Standards for the Assessment and Classification of Liquid and Non-liquid Wastes.
The ACT Government’s vision for Canberra is to be a healthy, active, vibrant city that is well connected, compact and equitable.
Design of the public park at Lady Nelson Place in Red Hill.
The master plan provides the planning principles and strategies to guide future growth and development in the centre.
The master plan aims to build on the qualities of the Calwell group centre and sets out how it could further develop as a vital community hub for south-east Tuggeranong.
The ACT Native Woodland Conservation Strategy will guide the protection, restoration and management of our woodlands for the next 10 years.
Do you agree with the Heritage Council decision to provisionally register the Red Hill Campsite?
A plan to better protect the Spotted-tailed Quoll
Have your say on what the new Biosecurity Act should look like and help protect our Territory from pests and diseases that threaten the environment and agriculture.
Do you agree with the Heritage Council decision to provisionally register the Red Hill historic plantings?
Registering Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct, do you agree with the Heritage Council?
The Council has provisionally registered 11 Northcote Crescent, Deakin. This public consultation aims to find out the views of the ACT community..
A new action plan to help protect and manage habitats used in the ACT by migratory birds that are listed internationally as threatened.
The Lower Cotter Catchment Reserve Management Plan has now been finalised.
The first draft action plan for the threatened Pink-tailed Worm-lizard has been released for public comment
Find out more about the plans for Common Ground Dickson and share your views on the design concepts for the new building
Help shape the priorities for the 2021-22 ACT Budget
Thank you for sharing your ideas on an ACT waste-to-energy policy.
Thank you for sharing your ideas on cemeteries and crematoria in the ACT.
Thank you for sharing your ideas for improvements to the public facilities at the Kambah Village group centre.
Thank you for sharing your ideas to help activate a six month landscape installation in the Woden Town Square.
Thank you for sharing your ideas for upgrades to the laneway between Anketell Street and Lake Tuggeranong.
Thank you for sharing your ideas for new community spaces at the Woden Library.
Thanks for participating in our online survey and sharing your ideas about the future of playgrounds in the city.
Thank you for having YourSay on Henry Rolland Park. The next stage of work at West Basin is scheduled to begin in 2019, subject to National Capital Authority’s approval.
Help create the plan to renew the heart of Canberra, our city precinct.
The City Renewal Authority is continuing to conduct events in the city to help create a more vibrant, active and people focused city heart.
We want to know how you want the Canberra Hospital campus to look and feel in the coming years.
Have your say on the regulation of e-scooters and similar devices in the ACT
Help us choose a name and uniform for the new public school in Molonglo.
Your feedback is welcome on infrastructure projects proposed across six priority water catchments. These are part of ACT Healthy Waterways (Basin Project).
If you live in Higgins, we're re-voting on your play space and want to hear from you!
We sought comments from business and the community on the proposed changes to the Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2018.
Canberra is more than an economy – we are a community where we aim for everyone to share in the benefits of a good life.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop a site on Forbes Street Turner into a small scale complex.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop four public housing blocks on Lowrie Street Dickson.
Thank you for sharing your feedback on design options for the proposed dual-occupancy development on a vacant site in Bingley Crescent,
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal of a dual-occupancy development on a vacant site in Joyner Crescent, Flynn.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop a site in Kambalda Crescent, Fisher for a dual-occupancy development.
Thank you for sharing your feedback on the proposal to redevelop a site in Bundock Place, Gowrie for a dual-occupancy development.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop a site in Ulverstone Street, Lyons
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop a site in Williams Street, Watson, for a tri-occupancy development.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop a site in David Street, Turner for a dual-occupancy development.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop the site at 9 Bacchus Circuit, Kambah
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop a site in Bremer Street, Griffith
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop the site at 9 Sayer Place, Evatt
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to redevelop the sites at 44 and 46 Marsden Street, Dickson
Thanks for sharing your feedback and ideas on the future use of the Canberra Technology Park site in Watson.
Thank you for taking the Age Friendly City survey.
Thank you for having YourSay and helping us make the justice system better and more accessible for all people with a disability.
Thank you for your feedback - it will help improve the lives of women and girls in the ACT.
The 2017-18 Budget Consultation process has now closed.
Share your views, advice and experiences on the value of key public roles.
Community members were invited to contribute to a legislative review of the Working with Vulnerable People Act 2011 by sharing their views
Thanks for helping to choose the name, logo and uniform for Canberra’s newest school
From October 2017, smoking or vaping is banned at all public transport stations and public transport stops in the ACT.
Share your ideas and thoughts on waste management in the ACT to help align with best practice.
Seeking feedback on the Lease Variation Charge
Thank you for your feedback that helped shape ACT Youth Week 2018.
The ACT Government is inviting you to share your feedback on the ACT Drug Strategy Action Plan 2018-2021
Share your ideas and input to improve volunteering within Canberra.
Developing ideas into actions with a new ACT Housing Strategy.
Help us make Canberrans more employable. What skills and qualifications are you looking for?
We’re now considering your feedback to help us improve your experience of participating in ACT Government engagements and consultations.
Thanks for having your say on Year Seven Health Check for Canberra students
Find out what is being proposed and share your views on the proposal to redevelop the sites at 26-34 Morphett Street & 11 Guthrie Street, Dickson
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to develop a dual-occupancy development on a vacant site on Southern Cross Drive, Latham.
Thank you for sharing your views on the proposal to develop a dual-occupancy development on a vacant site in Neworra Place, Giralang.
Working with the industry to ensure transport needs are being met no matter where Canberrans live, or what their accessibility needs are
Help shape the future of an iconic Canberra event.
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the traffic management measures implemented on Copland Drive and surrounding streets in Melba, Evatt and Spence in mid 2016.
Find out what is being proposed and share your views on the proposal to redevelop a site in Cooksey Place, Florey.
Have your say on the future of Canberra’s integrated transport network by helping shape our transport priorities.
We want your help to make Canberra the most LGBTIQ+ welcoming and inclusive city in Australia
Have your say on how you see digital and technology being used to improve the lives of all Canberrans.
Thank you for your feedback. Information and views received are being considered by Government.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback through the engagement to inform the legislative changes through the Crimes (Vulnerable People Legislation Amendment Bill 2020
More buses, more often, 7 days a week
New suburb between the Tuggeranong Town Centre and the Murrumbidgee River.
We want to make it easier for women and their families to access high quality maternity care.
What the Future of Education looks like to you.
The village plan aims to foster the protection and enhancement of Tharwa's unique character.
Keep your eye out early 2019 for a new sculpture at Hughes Shops.
Design will soon begin on a new pool to be built at Stromlo Forest Park.
Achieving a maximum number of gaming machine authorisations by 1 July 2020.
Thanks for voting Canberra. Your preferred new number plate is 'Canberra - The Bush Capital'.
A public housing development is being planned for Antill Street in Downer. We want your feedback on the indicative designs, and your views on public housing in your community.
The provisional registration sets out what it is about the place that the Council thinks is important to the ACT and why.
We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the ACT and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.