
About the project

The Indicative Land Release Program (ILRP) identifies Block 14 Section 99 Curtin (the Site) to be released for sale in the 2023-24 financial year with an identified use as a village style dementia care facility.

The Place Development Brief released

The Place Development Brief outlines community aspirations for the site and the desired outcomes for the development of a best practice village-style model of care for people living with dementia.

We heard from the community that they prioritise a design that:

  • Achieves best practice dementia enabling environments and place design
  • Fosters connection to community
  • Supports innovative and holistic model of care

The full report is available to download here: Curtin Dementia Village – The Place Development Brief.

For what we heard during consultation, you can read the Curtin Dementia Village - The Listening Report.

Thank you to everyone who has provided input into the requirements for the development of the Curtin Dementia Village.


The Site is zoned for Community Facilities, and is approximately 22,448m² in size. It is bound by Carruthers Street to the south, Storey Street to the north, and Jenkins Street to the west – please refer the map below. The site previously served as a primary school and subsequently as an Emergency Services Agency (ESA) office and childcare centre.

Curtin Dementia Village sitemap

Curtin Dementia Village sitemap

The Government will sell the Site (Block 14 section 99 Curtin) through a competitive tender process to develop a facility for people living with dementia. The new facility will offer best practice, village-style care, and potentially community or commercial facilities for people with dementia, their families and visitors.

We asked the community for input into their connection with the site and aspirations to allow tenderers to respond to when preparing their tender design response.


How to have YourSay

Draft Place Development Brief: Comments are now closed

Available from Document Library or linked above. Share your feedback in the box below until Tuesday 16 April 2024, 5:00pm.

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We’re creating the Place Development Brief (the Brief) for the site that will include input from the community and Stakeholder Advisory Panel (the Panel). The Panel has been formed so that the development of dementia village can benefit from the collective wisdom, expertise, and support of specialist organisations and community groups. The Panel includes members from a range of community and special interest and peak industry groups.

In parallel with the Panel engagement, we are also reaching out to people with lived experience of dementia to participate in focus group discussions on the Project and the Brief.

If you would like to attend the focus group session, you can register below.

You can also have YourSay by:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We will use your views to

Your input helped to prepare the Place Development Brief – a document that is provided as part of a sales pack to potential developers of the site. The tender process requires interested developers to respond to the Place Development Brief, among other criteria.

The Place Development Brief outlines community aspirations for the site and the desired outcomes for the development of a best practice village-style model of care for people living with dementia. The Suburban Land Agency applies this place-led approach to key projects with the aim of creating great places where communities thrive.