Project status: Closed
How you had YourSay:
Yerrabi Pond in Canberra’s north is a popular recreation spot for people to exercise, take their dog, sit and relax, play, skate and enjoy social events.
Yerrabi Pond opened in 1999 and has changed a lot since then with additions including playground facilities, more walking and cycling paths and a skateboard area. Most recently, a new nature play space was opened last year featuring a sandpit, balancing equipment and natural log and boulder steppers.
Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on how they use the spaces around Yerrabi Pond and what future improvements they would like to see in the area.
We received more than 7,000 ideas and suggestions via YourSay, email, social media and at pop-ups. We heard the community would like more rubbish bins, more public toilets, improved signage, recreational facilities for young people and path improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.
We have now released the What We Heard Report and the Engagement Report.
Next steps
Funding was provided in the 2020-21 ACT Budget for amenity improvements at Yerrabi Pond. Following the consultation, we identified a number of improvements, with works now complete for:
- 8 new seats
- plantings including near the water's edge and in the existing shrub beds
- 22 new 'shared path' signs and additional line marking at key locations
- drainage works along the path network to reduce pooling of water on the paths
- new softfall for the flying fox
- new half climbing wall
- new bin shrouds (covers) on 12 existing bins around the Pond.
Funding was also provided in the 2021-22 ACT Budget for planning and design work for improved and new amenities including increased car parking, picnic and toilet facilities and additional streetlighting. Construction funding was provided for these works in the 2023-24 ACT Budget.
In addition, the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate have delivered a floating wetland to Yerrabi Pond. The floating wetland will help to improve water quality and minimise harmful algae. You can find out more about floating wetland projects on
The below map has been prepared to provide an overview of the planned works. You can also view a larger version here.