Consultation for this project is complete
How to have your say
The ACT Government has engaged a consultant to assist in the preparation of a site masterplan or Estate Development Plan for the new Gungahlin Tennis Facility.
Important design considerations include the management of stormwater, traffic, site access and facility parking.
The design phase has commenced and preliminary plans are now available for the community to view.
As the plan progresses we will update this page to provide you with more information about the project.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. The What We Heard Report is now available.
The project's Estate Development Plan Development Application was formally lodged and is now open for public consultation. This will enable re-zoning so that the new facility can be constructed in the proposed location.
The Development Application process has been approved. The next step will be to engage a construction contractor, with work scheduled to begin after that.
We are looking at
The new Gungahlin Tennis Facility, which will be located in Amaroo on Horse Park Drive, will meet the needs of our community as tennis participation continues to grow in the ACT.
Work has commenced on the design of the new facility .
Subject to funding the plan aims to include:
- 10 full sized courts
- 2 hot shot courts
- a hitting wall
- LED lighting
- female friendly changerooms
- a pavilion
- parking
As our city grows, the ACT Government is committed to delivering more sporting facilities to help Canberrans stay active, healthy and engaged in the sports they love.
Your feedback will assist in the design phase of the Gungahlin Tennis Facility.
Gungahlin Tennis Facility Proposed Design
Design Concept
Design Concept Plan