Consultation for this project is complete

We’re planning for the future of Gungahlin and considering how we can better provide community facilities in the area.

In 2021 we asked you what facilities were needed in Gungahlin now and into the future. We compiled a listening report from this engagement that captures what we heard from those who participated.

The community will be invited to continue engaging with the Government as we continue investigating and delivering community facilities in Gungahlin.

We are looking at

The ACT Government has committed to increase community facilities, including a new community centre for Gungahlin.

The 2021 consultation fed into the development of the Community and Recreational Facilities Assessment—Gungahlin District, released in April 2022.

This assessment looked at Gungahlin’s demographics, existing facilities in the district, projected future demand for facilities and likely gaps in provision of those facilities. It considered the strategic planning context, and broader trends and drivers affecting community facilities.

Community and Recreational Facilities Assessment—Gungahlin District

The ACT Government committed $300,000 in June 2023 to undertake a feasibility and design study to determine the most effective long-term solution to deliver community facilities in Gungahlin. This involved a series of conversations with stakeholders and community, drawing on our findings from the needs assessment, to deliver community facilities in Gungahlin.

Next steps

The Community Facilities Needs Assessment and the information collected from the YourSay survey were considered when looking at ways to improve community and recreation facilities across Gungahlin. The outcomes from the assessment were used to inform decisions around:

  • developing a community centre for the Gungahlin Town Centre
  • use of sites in the Casey Group Centre

Gungahlin community centre

The Design and Construct (D&C) tender for the Gungahlin Community Centre is officially open and a contractor is expected to be appointed by the end of June 2024.

To view visit the D&C Tenders webpage.

A community panel worked with us to determine the functional requirements, preferred location, facility design and ongoing building management model of the Gungahlin community centre. The draft designs have been developed to deliver a space that best meets the needs of the Gungahlin community.

View the draft designs below.

Casey land release

Two sites in the Casey Group Centre (Blocks 2 and 3, Section 132) are zoned as Commercial Zone 1: Core Zone which allows for a mix of community, recreational, residential, essential government services and commercial uses. The ACT Government is currently considering the most appropriate use of this land to meet the future needs of Casey residents and the broader Gungahlin community.

Future planning

We are also planning for the future of Gungahlin through the ACT Planning Review and Reform Project. What we hear through engagement on District Planning and through the Community and Recreational Facilities Assessment will inform how we plan for community facilities into the future.

We will continue to seek your input into community facilities being considered for Gungahlin.

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