
About the project

We want to understand what locals, neighbours and visitors would value in the future Jacka Local Centre.

Jacka is a small new neighbourhood in the North Gungahlin area that nurtures sustainable and connected living. Up to 1,800 people will call it home when it is completed.

The Design and Place Framework released

The Design and Place Framework outlines community aspirations and urban design requirements for the future Jacka Local Centre.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed their ideas for the site. We heard from the community that they want the local centre to:

  • Embrace the surrounding natural environment and wetlands
  • Host events and activities to support a lively gathering point
  • Be accessible to all abilities and ages
  • Be safe and well-lit

The full report is available to download here: The Jacka Local Centre Design and Place Framework.

To see what we heard during consultation, you can read the Jacka Local Centre Listening Report.


We are looking at

The 8,269m² Jacka Local Centre is zoned CZ4 - Commercial, Mixed Use with 55 dwellings.

Located along Romberg Way and next to wetlands, it will be an important retail and service space for the local community while supporting the broader Gungahlin community. It is seen as part of a network of commercial centres in the North Gungahlin area including Moncrieff and Taylor.


What we have heard so far

A vision for how the suburb of Jacka will be completed was shared with community in 2018 as part of planning for its completion:

“The next stage of Jacka will be ‘A Healthy Community’- The health of the residents will be optimized due to the natural landscape setting, enhanced ecological awareness, active outdoor focus, regional connectivity, social diversity and community gathering opportunities.” (Urban Design Report)

Feedback received from community during the Moncrieff and Taylor local centres consultation in 2021 revealed key themes including:

  • LOCAL SHOPS are seen as crucial community links that will bring people together and provide more options for people to connect, shop and do business e.g. Casey shops.
  • PARKING people value ease-of-access, convenience, and ample parking.
  • GREEN, OPEN AND RECREATIONAL SPACES are to be prioritised and incorporated into the development of sites.

The key themes reflect, and group together, the community feedback.

The following indicative principles support the Vision and the realisation of the key themes. They have been developed to inform creation of a draft Design and Place Framework for the Jacka Local Centre site:

  • DISTINCTIVE It’s a Local Centre that is uniquely Jacka. One that feels connected to the neighbouring wetlands and takes advantage of its central location within the suburb.
  • CONNECTED Public spaces and streets that encourage and support walking, cycling and public transport. Continuous public pathway network that connects to the wider network of paths and streets. A destination where I can readily park my vehicle when needed.
  • VIBRANT A mix of land uses, building types, spaces and facilities with a density of residents, workers and visitors that will support a vibrant and active community.
  • HIGH QUALITY Design buildings and spaces that have a distinctive character and environmental and design excellence.
  • GREEN AND URBAN Quality public spaces and landscapes that are attractive and support a range of activities and public events. Mixing the shopping, living and natural elements of the suburb.
  • DESTINATION Deliver a renowned quality place, both urban and natural. A place where people all over Canberra want to visit, shop and connect.


How to have YourSay

Tell us what you would value in the Jacka Local Centre. What experiences and activities would you like to see at the local centre?

There are many ways to get involved:


We will use your views to

Your views helped to shape a Design and Place Framework for the Jacka Local Centre which will guide the development of the site.