Project status: Closed


Project update

The Suburban Land Agency (SLA) released in June via a two-stage tender process two blocks of land in Moncrieff and one in Taylor. These three blocks are significant as they will form the Taylor and Moncrieff commercial sites. They will play an important role for both suburbs and the broader Gungahlin community. Recognising the vital role shopping centres play in the community, particularly new and emerging communities like Moncrieff and Taylor, the SLA sought community and stakeholder input into how these key sites will take shape.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Moncrieff and Taylor Commercial sites engagement. Read the full Consultation Report to see what we heard from community members and stakeholders.

We will use your views to:

The three blocks in Taylor and Moncrieff were released to market earlier in the year via a two-stage tender sales process. The first stage, which is currently under assessment, sought Expressions of Interest and closed on 14 September. The second stage will soon invite successful participants to respond to a request for tender for each site.

Feedback from the community about the three sites will help inform the second stage release process, with tenderers required to respond with concepts that address the community feedback. This process will help ensure the communities expectations will come to life.

More information:

If you would like more information call the SLA on (02) 6205 0600 or email


We are looking at:

The SLA is releasing Block 1 Section 22, Moncrieff (Site A), Block 2, Section 22, Moncrieff (Site B) and Block 1, Section 60, Taylor (Site C) this year. These sites will form the Taylor and Moncrief shopping centres.

Sites A and B in Moncrieff are adjacent to each other and may be offered together. Site C in Taylor is located approximately one kilometre from Sites A and B. The location of each site can be seen in the map below. A description and zoning of the sites are included in the below table.

Site details:

Site ZoningDetails
Site ACZ1Site A, located on the corner of Horse Park Drive and Mirrabei Avenue, is a 15,476m2 block zoned predominantly for commercial use with an aim to encourage a range of conveniently located retail and service outlets. Site A is specifically zoned as a ‘group centre’ which means that this site will play an integral role in the creation of a shopping centre that will service surrounding existing suburbs and new suburbs and new suburbs such as Jacka.
Site BCZ5Site B, located on Horse Park Drive, next to Site A is a 9,264m2 mixed-use site that can accommodate commercial premises and up to 90 residential dwellings. This zoning allows for high-density dwellings as it is located near highly accessible facilities, in this case, Horse Park Drive. Site B is also zoned as a ‘mixed use’ which means that this site will play an integral role in the creation of a residential and commercial opportunities that will service surrounding existing suburbs and new suburbs such as Jacka. This site would be similar to O'Connor or Ainslie shops.
Notes about sites A&B
  • Initial planning for Sites A and B indicates an intention for a full-line supermarket amongst other convenience retail for Sites A and B.
  • Sites A and B may be offered together and may be developed as a single larger site.
Site CCZ4Site C is a 5,121m2 mixed-use commercial and residential site, located on the corner of Langmead Street and Grenfell Avenue. The site could accommodate up to 46 dwellings. It is zoned specifically as a ‘local centre’, meaning it will fulfil the role of the Taylor local shops with a size and scale akin to the Ngunnawal shops or Bonner shops. The aim is that this site will provide convenience retailing and other accessible, convenient shopping, community and business services to meet the daily needs of residents in Taylor.

Before releasing the sites for sale, we are looking to the community for ideas and feedback about:

  • how these sites could be developed
  • how the sites could look
  • what type of residential, commercial and/or community inclusions are preferred (within the current planning framework)
  • how these sites could connect with the surrounding environment.
  • potential green and open spaces that could be included
  • how pedestrian and vehicle traffic can be accommodated, for example, exit and entry points for vehicles, and people.