This project is open for feedback

Due to overwhelming response, the closing date of this consultation has been extended from 1 July to 15 July.

Have YourSay by clicking the survey link below.

About the project

The ACT Government is conducting a 10-year review of the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (the Act). The Act protects native plants, animals and landscapes in the ACT. It provides the legal underpinning for nature conservation policy, management actions and protection of our native species and natural places across the Territory.

As part of the review, we are seeking feedback from the public about whether the Act has achieved its objectives over the past decade, and whether the objectives are still relevant.

What we are looking at

A discussion paper has been prepared which identifies key issues and opportunities for improvement within the Act and includes questions for your consideration.

As part of the review, we are also reviewing the ACT Nature Conservation Strategy that falls under the Act. While the Act sets out the objectives for conservation in the ACT, the Strategy outlines practical steps to achieve them and ways to measure conservation success. Commentary on the Strategy is also addressed in the discussion paper.

How to have your say

How we will use your feedback

Your feedback will assist the ACT Government in the review of the Nature Conservation Act and the development of a new Nature Conservation Strategy for the ACT.

Does the discussion paper capture the key issues and opportunities for Nature Conservation?

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1 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

The CNP reserves urgently need strategically integrated Operational Management Plans to guide actions in and adjacent to reserves

1 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Nature in bush capital should be celebrated- this seems to look at it like a problem Put enviro and animals first and fit people around them

1 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Overpasses - kangaroos need to move with the cycles- will move seeds etc help biodiversity

1 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Pest removal is key to restoration we seem to kill kangas so that the rabbits have plenty to eat -which brings foxes = disaster for lizards

1 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Wildlife need legislrights, so they are considered in new suburb planning. and are givenfreedom to move around from one bush island to other

1 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

There is a need to address enforcement of breaches of NC Act offences on lands being developed. Eg "interfere with a nest" = burrows

28 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) fully endorses Conservation Council ACT's submission.

28 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Connect Namadgi and Tharwa with Tuggeranong via "Lanyon" via the Mbidgee Walking Trail.

28 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Protect waterways better. Connect urban Canberra with the Murrumbidgee with Nature corridors along Bulgar, New Station cr,.

28 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Largely;Better coord in ACT Govt Depts;Planning not have last wordegCallum Brae/connect'ty risk-unnecessary facility;realcommunityengagement

27 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Have more robust legislation to protect wombats during development longterm, not just short term

27 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Implement robust legislation to facilitate and enforce assistance to sick or injure wildlife on private properties