How to Have Your Say

The Kingston Arts Precinct Place Brief was completed at the end of 2022. SLA and artsACT have worked closely with the community and key stakeholders to develop the Place Brief.

The Place Brief guides SLA and artsACT, architects, landscape architects and urban designers in preparing the detailed design proposals for the precinct.

For this next stage of the project, NH Architecture team has been engaged by SLA as the Principal Design Consultant team while RPS AAP Consulting and Turner Townsend will deliver Project Management and Quantity Surveying services for the project. Throughout 2023, the Principal Design Consultant team will develop a detailed design that reflects the Place Brief.

Over the next 18 months, the Principal Design Consultant team will develop a concept design for the new subdivision and arts buildings. Further engagement with the community and arts organisations will take place through different stages of the design to prepare submissions for formal approvals that will permit construction to commence.

The Suburban Land Agency and artsACT are taking a people-first approach to developing the Kingston Arts Precinct. We have developed a draft Place Brief with the community, arts organisations, and stakeholders, with a focus on public life, to guide future development of the site.

We are now seeking feedback on concept designs, particularly from First Nations peoples, arts organisations, and internal stakeholders. We want to understand what works well, what opportunities exist, and how well the concept designs represent the design principles developed within the Place Brief consultation.

Concept design feedback will help shape the Estate Development Plan, and Architecture and Public Realm Design for the Kingston Arts Precinct.