Project status: Closed

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How you had YourSay

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and helped shape the final Urban Open Space Land Management Plan.

The plan will come into full effect when notified on the Legislation Register.

With the release of the plan, we are now turning our focus to developing an action plan to guide the successful implementation of the Urban Open Space Land Management Plan which will include further details on how we will deliver on our commitments.


The ACT Government is responsible for managing and maintaining over 6,800 hectares of public urban open space and adjoining facilities. This includes urban parks, sportsgrounds, public cemeteries, dog parks, play spaces, skateparks, outdoor exercise equipment, street and park furniture, paths and green infrastructure such as trees, shrubs and grasses.

The community was invited to have their say on the draft Urban Open Space Land Management Plan to help shape the future management and use of our public open spaces and ensure the plan reflects the needs of a growing and diverse community.

The What We Heard Report summarises the feedback received. A total of 112 surveys were completed and 26 written submissions were received. Broadly the community supported the draft plan including its vision, principles and key focus areas.

The draft Urban Open Space Land Management Plan was updated, incorporating feedback from the community and key stakeholders, and reviewed by the Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services prior to being finalised.

  • Survey

    The community had the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Urban Open Space Land Management Plan by completing a short survey.

  • Information sessions

    We held five pop-up sessions so the community could find out more about the Urban Open Space Land Management Plan.

The ACT Government is committed to maintaining, protecting and enhancing our urban open space network. The draft Urban Open Space Land Management Plan provides the framework for managing our urban open spaces.

The draft plan has been prepared in consultation with relevant ACT Government land managers and agencies including the:

  • Conservator of Flora and Fauna
  • Planning and Land Authority
  • Environment Protection Authority.

The draft plan sets out the ACT Government’s vision for sustainable urban open spaces that enrich the lives of our community, improve the amenity of our urban environment, and provide a range of social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits.

The Urban Open Space Land Management Plan will replace five existing regional land management plans to provide an overarching and consistent direction for managing our urban open spaces that complements Canberra’s Lakes and Ponds Land Management Plan.

The plan also highlights present and future challenges including urban densification, Canberra’s growing population, the expansion of the urban open space network and climate change, with a focus on how to balance these with the community’s need to access the spaces they enjoy.

Community feedback on the draft plan, including its vision, key principles and focus areas, is important to help us refine and finalised the plan.

Looking after our natural landscape is a shared responsibility in which everyone has a role to play. To learn more about how you can get involved in helping care for public spaces visit Volunteer in Canberra’s urban parks and places.

Community feedback will be used to finalise the Urban Open Space Land Management Plan, guiding the continuous improvement and shared management of our public open spaces for all Canberrans.

Once finalised, the ACT Government will report on the implementation of the Plan at least every five years. The Plan will also be reviewed every 10 years from commencement.