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The Suburban Land Agency (SLA) want to understand what Lawson locals, neighbours and visitors would value in this mixed-use site that is coming to Lawson Stage 2.
The Place Design Brief sets out community aspirations to ensure that the Lawson Mixed Use site can be developed into a liveable, green and vibrant hub that supports the local neighbourhood.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed their ideas in our two phases of consultation. We heard from the community that the following four themes are most important to them.
The full report is available to download here: Lawson Mixed-Use Site Place Design Brief.
To see what we heard in the first phase of consultation, you can read the Lawson Mixed-Use Site Listening Report. For the insights into the second phase of consultation, refer to this Listening Report.
The 19,648m² Lawson Mixed-Use site is surrounded by Baldwin Drive, Belconnen Way, Lake Ginninderra and the old naval base. Zoned CZ5 Mixed Use, development on the site will provide retail and non-retail commercial uses along with residential development. This could include shops, restaurants and community uses.
SLA were seeking input from the local community and stakeholders on the values and aspirations for the site to inform a place design brief which will guide future development and create a great place.
We undertook the below in-person and online community engagements between 31 October 2023 and 29 February 2024. The Listening Report located in the document library outlines what we heard in the first phase of consultation.
Emerging Themes
A number of emerging themes came through from what we heard in the first phase of consultation. These were tested with the community from 18 January to 29 February 2024.
Your ideas and feedback helped to shape the Place Design Brief which is now available in the document library alongside the Listening Report from the second phase of consultation.
Complete our short survey or if you are a young person, show us your ideas!
Sign up for the site walk or join a workshop.
Help test the themes, answer a few questions.
The Place Design Brief is a document generated through a consultation process with community and key stakeholders to understand what people value on a particular site. It looks at the specific site for release and the spaces around it and how people use them and want to use them in the future. It inspires people to collectively re-imagine and reinvent the spaces between buildings, streets, open spaces and parks as the heart of every community and business.
By engaging with the community from the start of the design process the project team are better placed to bring together ideas, experiences, and values expressed by the community and stakeholders, enabling the integration of these aspirations within design. This puts people first as we codesign our future public spaces together. Considerations can include things like: open space and landscaping character, street design elements, active building frontages, retail strategy, connection with nature and so on.
The Place Design Brief will form the backbone of the sales documents for the release of this site to potential buyers / developers.
This site has potential for connection and walkability to the lake, park and public amenity areas. A mixed-use site such as this has the capacity to have a positive impact on the wellbeing of workers, residents and visitors.
Lawson Section AD Blocks a) and b) combined could provide up to 1,500m² of commercial gross floor area, including a maximum of 700m² which can be used for supermarket type uses.
In 2018 the ACT Government consulted on many blocks in Lawson Stage 2. The resulting Lawson South Concept Plan informed the Estate Development Plan (EDP) for Lawson Stage 2.
A design-based tender is a process for selling land where developers will provide a concept design for the site that responds to key objectives and criteria. For the release of Lawson Section AD Blocks a) and b) to the market, developers will need to provide a concept that responds directly to the Place Design Brief, the place vision and objectives created by the community. Suburban Land Agency will review and assess the design-based tender submissions against how they have incorporated the features, objectives, and vision outlined in the Place Design Brief.
Upon completion of the Place Design Brief, the site will be offered for sale via a design-based tender in mid-2024. The tendering process is expected to take approximately six months, followed by a settlement period in which the successful tenderer completes their Development Application, with construction to follow.
Allowable uses on these sites are set out in the Territory Plan. They include, but are not limited to; health facility, community facility, child-care, aged-care, supported living. The final decision will rest with the purchaser of the site.
Community consultation on the extensive landscape works was undertaken for the original Estate Development Plan in 2018. Additional feedback has been gathered from prior meetings at the Belconnen Community Council as well as communications from local residents, this feedback was incorporated into the existing landscape masterplan.
In Lawson Stage 2 there will be over 120 on-street and off-street car park spaces provided as well as further parking in the future commercial centre. All multi-unit developments will be required to provide sufficient parking for residents and visitors.
Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) commenced bus services into Lawson Stage 1 earlier in 2023. These will be extended through Lawson Stage 2 once the connector road has been completed. There will be several bus stops throughout Lawson Stage 2. For more information contact TCCS.
Your views helped to shape The Place Design Brief for the Lawson Mixed Use site. The Place Design Brief provides guidance to future developers of the site and forms part of the sales documentation of the site..
We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the ACT and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.
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We collect the comments, votes, posts and selections you contribute when interacting with the feedback mechanisms provided through 'YourSay', which include:
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CMTEDD uses Campaign Monitor to provide electronic newsletters to subscribers.
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More detailed information about how your personal information is handled is available in the CRM Privacy Notice available at Further information about directorates’ privacy policies and where to locate them can be found in the CRM Privacy Notice.
If you have any comment in relation to any aspect of the collection, use, security of, or access to your personal information please contact us via:
Privacy Contact Officer
Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
GPO Box 158
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Personal information
Information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:
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Personal health information
Personal health information means any personal information, whether or not recorded in a health record:
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For information about the broader collection and use of personal information by the ACT Government, or who to contact for more information, please refer to the CMTEDD Privacy Policy.
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