Project status: Closed

The Draft Hazardous Materials Environment Protection Policy aims to help people understand regulations that apply to the management of hazardous materials so the risk of adverse impacts to the environment and human health are minimised. Examples of hazardous materials include asbestos, polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) and heavy metals.

How to had YourSay

Hazardous materials are often a necessary part of modern life. The final Hazardous Materials Environment Protection Policy outlines the regulation and management of these materials.

Hazardous materials are used for veterinary treatments, agricultural activities, manufacturing and processing and are often a legacy issue from previous activities and practices.

Your feedback was considered in the review of the Hazardous Materials Environment Protection Policy (HM EPP).

You had your say by completing the survey, or contacting us directly to give feedback or a submission.

We were looking at

Each hazardous material presents a unique suite of issues that need to be considered during their manufacture, supply, use, storage, transport and disposal to minimise the risk of adverse impacts they may have on the environment and human health. You were invited to contribute to the review of the HM EPP to help guide the management of hazardous materials into the future.

For more information about the HM EPP and how it works, please visit our Access Canberra page.

Your views were used to:

All submissions received were considered when finalising the Hazardous Materials Environment Protection Policy.

Any written submissions were acknowledged. An overview of the submissions received are outlined in the listening report under the document library.