This project is closed for feedback

We sought views from service providers, advocates and service users with an understanding of the ACT legislation that guides the use of restrictive practices.

Our focus was on the areas of disability support, education, and the care and protection of children.

Feedback received will inform a review of the Senior Practitioner Act 2018, which regulates the use of restrictive practices in the ACT.

Restrictive practices are sometimes used when a person's behaviour may be unsafe for themselves or others.

The Senior Practitioner Act provides a framework to help reduce and eliminate the use of restrictive practices.

We are looking at the Senior Practitioner Act as the legislation requires a review after its first 5 years of operation.

We wanted to know:

  • what you think about the Senior Practitioner Act 2018
  • how well you think the Senior Practitioner Act is working to reduce the use of restrictive practices
  • if you have experienced issues regarding restrictive practices or the Senior Practitioner Act
  • what areas of the Senior Practitioner Act do you think could be improved.

You were able to have your say by completing a short survey or by reading our discussion paper and putting your feedback in writing as a submission.

You can find the discussion paper, including a plain English version and Easy English version, in the document library on this page, or download them using the links below:

This consultation closed on Wednesday 10 April 2024. The Listening Report is now available in the document library on this page.

How you had your say

It is 5 years since the Senior Practitioner Act began. We need to see if it is helping to protect people who access services that use restrictive practices.

The Senior Practitioner Act is the ACT's legislation that regulates the use of restrictive practices in education (including education and care), disability support, and the care and protection of children.

The Senior Practitioner Act aims to reduce and eliminate the use of restrictive practices by service providers in these areas as much as possible.

The ongoing wellbeing of people who use services in the areas covered by the Senior Practitioner Act is important.

We want to ensure the legislation is helping people covered by the Act and those who support them.

You can read more about this review in our Terms of Reference.

Why reduce and eliminate restrictive practices?

The use of restrictive practices can have distressing effects on vulnerable people.

Restrictive practices include chemical, environmental, mechanical, and physical restraint, as well as seclusion.

Restrictive practices should only be used in very limited circumstances, as a last resort, when we are worried a person may hurt themselves or someone else.

When a restrictive practice is used to modify someone's behaviour, it can cause them to experience distress or even trauma.

Experiences that cause fear, neglect, pain, and humiliation do not respect a person's dignity and can have life-changing effects on them.

We are committed to improving the lives of people who may experience a restrictive practice through the services they need in their day-to-day life. This includes upholding their human rights.

How we will use your views

Your feedback helps us understand if the Senior Practitioner Act is working well to protect people who use services that may use restrictive practices.

What we heard from you will help us work out if the Senior Practitioner Act is working well.