Consultation for this project is complete

Following community consultation, the Education Directorate has decided to build a boundary fence at Farrer Primary School.

Feedback received through the consultation has been reflected in the final design now available below. Feedback was invited on:

  • the fence line
  • placement of gate access points and
  • out of hours access.

The revised design ensures the school car park is outside of the fence line. The full ‘what we heard report’ is now available.

Community will continue to be able to access the school grounds outside of school hours These arrangements will be finalised in consultation with the school.

Timelines for construction of the fence and out of hours access arrangements will be provided in the new year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation process. For any questions please contact:

Reasons for a fence

Farrer Primary School has experienced an increase in vandalism and property damage. In 2022, the school’s cost for repairs exceeded $5000. This included replacing broken windows, basketball hoops and cleaning more than 30 incidences of graffiti at the school.

A fence would reduce the risk of destruction of school property, ensuring the school’s facilities can be maintained for students.

This year, the school’s courtyard will be upgraded to enhance external learning areas. The Education Directorate is installing a new shade structure over the courtyard and the school is funding a new playground.

The fence will enclose these areas, protecting them from damage and maintaining the facilities for students and the community.

Farrer Primary School is close to three roads. A boundary fence would enhance the safety of students and mitigate the risk of students absconding onto busy roads.

Your views were used to

We used your feedback to design a fence that is accessible and useful for the school and Farrer community.

The final decision on the fence design was made by the Education Directorate. The ‘What We Heard’ report was developed and discussed with the school leadership, Board and P&C. A decision is then made by the Education Directorate. The report has been made available here and on the school website.

It is anticipated that final designs and construction timelines will be provided in term 1, 2024.