Project status: Closed
Master Plan overview
The ACT Government sought feedback from the community on the development of a Master Plan for The Canberra Hospital. The Canberra Hospital Master Plan will be used to guide the future expansion and construction at the campus.
The Canberra Hospital site was first established in 1955, and since its first patients in 1973 the hospital has been an important part of our community. As Canberra’s population has grown, so too has the hospital. Each day, more than 3,000 people are on the Canberra Hospital campus, including staff, visitors and patients.
Over the last decade significant investments have been made in new and upgraded infrastructure. The Canberra Hospital Master Plan is the next step in planning to modernise the Canberra Hospital campus and provide world class healthcare, with seamless development, that achieves the ambitions expressed by our community and stakeholders.

How you had YourSay:
Phase 1 community and stakeholder engagement took place from 29 January – 10 March 2021. The focus of the Phase 1 consultation was to gain an understanding of the values associated with the Canberra Hospital campus. Based on the feedback received during Phase 1 consultation and a range of specialist studies and research, two options were developed for the Canberra Hospital Master Plan.
Phase 2 consultation took place between from 23 July – 1 September 2021. The focus of Phase 2 consultation was to gather feedback on the draft options.
The consultation and engagement campaign undertaken for the Canberra Hospital Master Plan is one of the largest undertaken in the ACT. It included:
- A YourSay campaign
- Meetings with ACT community councils
- Pop-up information stands and drop-in sessions for the community to visit
- Flyers distributed to local residents
- Door knocking of close residents.
Over 1,800 pieces of feedback have been received from members of the public and over 50 direct engagement and one-on-one meetings were held with stakeholders. Detailed information about the feedback received can be found in the Phase 1 Listening Report and Phase 2 Listening Report.
The Canberra Hospital Master Plan
Your feedback has informed a path for the development of the Canberra Hospital campus over the coming 20 years. This transformation, staged over several phases of re-development, will deliver a world leading medical environment to support the best healthcare in the region.
Key features:
- A campus that is accessible, safe, human-centred and welcoming.
- Seven distinct precincts to support efficiency and ease of navigation.
- Improved car and bike parking, pedestrian and cycle paths, public transport, and supply distribution routes.
- Expandable, flexible, and resilient services and supporting infrastructure.
- Opportunities for compatible commercial activities and private and allied health service delivery.
- The interweaving of Ngunnawal culture through the built environment.
- Integrated sustainability measures to facilitate net zero emissions by 2040 and minimal environmental impacts.
Next steps
The next steps in the planning process will involve the concept design and feasibility of specific Master Plan projects, detailed design and development application submissions. At each phase of planning, the community and stakeholders will have opportunities to provide feedback.
Thank you for having YourSay on the Canberra Hospital Master Plan.