Project status: Closed

How you had YourSay:

Design work is progressing for improvements along Sulwood Drive that will improve safety and access both for residents and visitors to the Mount Taylor Nature Reserve.

From 10 June until 9 July 2021 we asked the community to take a look at the design and email us their thoughts on the proposed improvements. We also held a pop-up at the Mount Taylor Nature Reserve on Saturday 19 June 2021.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to the project team via email on the proposed improvements. The What We Heard report summarising the feedback received during the consultation period is now available.

We are looking at:

In 2018 the ACT Government converted part of the verge along Sulwood Drive in Kambah into a formalised carpark, replacing the rutted dirt surface with graded, recycled asphalt and created defined entry and exit points for safer access and egress for parking.

The Government has since been monitoring traffic and undertook a feasibility study on further safety improvements, including crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.

Key features of the designs

  • A new four-kilometre long and three-metre wide asphalt, off-road path on the southern side of Sulwood Drive between Drakeford Drive and Athllon Drive, improving access for Kambah residents both to the Mount Taylor Nature Reserve and to the local Wanniassa shops. This new off-road shared path will also include safety barriers where required.
  • Traffic lights at the intersection of Mannheim Street and Sulwood Drive.
  • Changes to the entry and exit points, as well as a safe right-turn into the carpark.

We will use your views to:

Your feedback will be used to finalise the design for construction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Off-road shared path

Mannheim Street intersection


Future considerations