Project status: Closed
How you had your say:
The ACT Government sought your insights and thoughts on a Draft Spotted-tailed Quoll Action Plan. Thank you to everyone who participated in the engagement. See what we heard in the listening report.
Your ideas were considered in the finalisation of the action plan, which has now been released.
What we looked at:
The Spotted-tailed Quoll has almost disappeared from the ACT. The ACT Government has revised its plan to better protect the quoll and its habitat.
Also known as the Tiger Quoll and Tiger Cat, the Spotted-tailed Quoll preys on animals such as possums, rabbits, birds, reptiles and invertebrates—and is also known to scavenge food. The carnivorous mammals use multiple dens and regularly move between them. Den sites can include rock crevices, hollow logs, tree hollows, clumps of vegetation, underground burrows and under buildings.
Although found from southern Queensland through to south-western Victoria and Tasmania, the Spotted-tailed Quoll is listed as vulnerable in the ACT, endangered under the Commonwealth’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and as threatened in all other states where it occurs.
Its distribution and abundance has declined since European settlement, with only occasional sightings across the ACT since the 1950s. Major threats to the species are changes to habitat, timber harvesting, poison baiting, competition and predation from introduced carnivores such as foxes and cats, road mortality, bushfire and climate change.
The action plan seeks to maintain in the long-term, suitable habitat conditions that will support wild populations of Spotted-tailed Quolls in the ACT by preserving key habitat features, managing any threats to them, knowing more about them and contributing to their regional and national conservation.
Know your quolls
The Spotted-tailed Quoll is a different species from the Eastern Quoll currently being reintroduced to Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary.
Spotted-tailed Quolls are larger and have spots on their tail as well as their body.

Questions and answers
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