Project status: Closed

How you had YourSay

The Canberra community was invited to provide their valuable input on re-naturalising Sullivans Creek, a key initiative under the Connecting Nature, Connecting People program. You were invited to have YourSay by completing an online survey or by attending a community pop-up session.

The ACT Government, as part of the Connecting Nature, Connecting People initiative, developed a long-term aspirational vision and landscape plan for Sullivans Creek and its surrounding waterways, wetlands, and reserves.

As Canberra continues to grow, it's essential to address habitat loss, urbanisation, and climate change, all of which pose threats to native species, cultural preservation, and community wellbeing.

The Sullivans Creek Re-naturalisation Opportunities Report, released on 15 August 2024, outlines potential ways to apply re-naturalisation efforts to Sullivans Creek. It highlights opportunities to transform the creek into a space where people can gather to sit, relax, play, and learn in a natural setting.

Map of Sullivans Creek

A map of Sullivans Creek and where it spans across Canberra, from Lake Burley Griffin near Acton, and down to Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve

Insights from this community consultation will be used to shape the Sullivans Creek Re-naturalisation Plan.

Sullivans Creek Re-naturalisation Plan survey

0% complete
Which parts of the creek do you use the most? Required
How do you currently use Sullivans Creek? Required
Rank the top 3 values which are the most important to you along Sullivans Creek. Required
Where do you live? Required
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