Project status: Complete

To encourage more people to exercise on their way to work or at lunchtime, the ACT Government has approved changes to the requirements for buildings to have secure bike parking, change rooms and other end-of-trip facilities.

  • The ACT Government has finalised Variation 357 – End-of Trip Facilities General Code (V357) to vary the Territory Plan. V357 replaces the Bicycle Parking General Code of the Territory Plan by introducing an End-of-Trip Facilities General Code.
  • The new provisions will apply to any relevant developments where the development application is lodged for completeness check from 30 November 2022.
  • The End-of-Trip Facilities General Code aims to encourage employers to provide secure bike parking and change rooms (including showers, lockers and drying facilities) for employees who ride, run or walk to work—or who exercise at lunchtime.
  • The new code applies to new buildings and to major alterations or extensions to existing buildings, or changes of use that require approval by the planning and land authority.
  • End-of-trip facilities will no longer be counted as part of gross floor area (GFA) calculations of new and current buildings that are constructed or refurbished, giving building owners an incentive to build facilities.
  • The code introduces practical measures to implement the government’s Active Living and Active Travel programs. It will encourage more people to include exercise in their daily activities, such as going to work, and to reduce barriers that might prevent them being more active.
  • When more people exercise while going to work, they have better health and there are fewer cars on the road contributing to congestion and pollution.

How you had your say

During the public consultation period between April and June 2017, five written representations were received. The engagement gave stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback via the Your Say website, written correspondence, quick poll survey and face to face meetings . A wide range of stakeholders were consulted including key groups such as Australian Institute of Architects, Planning Institute of Australia, and Property Council of Australia.

All the submissions welcomed and supported DV357 and provided comments. The majority of feedback included common themes such as justification on the proposed bike parking rates, clarification on definition of gross floor area regarding end-of-trip facilities (EOTF), and flexible location of EOTF for existing buildings.

From the feedback provided by the community and industry, further adjustments were required to ensure the revised code is workable. EPSDD worked closely with interested industry and community stakeholders to refine and further improve the code. A revised Draft Variation 357 was available for public comment from August to October 2021, during which time six written submissions were received.

Next Steps

On 4 August 2022, the Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman, approved Variation 357. The variation commenced on 21 October 2022 and will apply to development applications lodged for completeness check from 30 November 2022. You can view the finalised Territory Plan Variation on the Legislation Register.

If you are interested in active travel, you may like to have your say on the ACT's draft Active Travel Plan.