Project status: Closed
Thank you for having YourSay
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Active Travel Plan and Design Guide. A What We Heard Report which summarises feedback received during the two engagement periods can be viewed here.
The final Active Travel Plan has been released and can be viewed here.
The final Design Guide can be viewed here.
How you had YourSay - draft Active Travel Plan and Design Guide
The community and stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on the draft Active Travel Plan through interactive cycle and walking area maps, a community survey and via written submissions from 14 July to 24 August 2022.
The consultation period for the draft best-practice design guide was undertaken from 5 May to 2 June 2023.
We looked at
Active travel includes walking, cycling, scooting, skateboarding and other types of micromobility. It is an important part of enhancing quality of life and our city’s unique character. Supporting and promoting active travel also helps to reduce congestion and cut harmful emissions. This benefits all Canberrans no matter how you move around.
We asked you to provide feedback about:
- the draft Active Travel Plan
- where to invest in missing links in the cycling network
- where walking improvements are needed
- how we can make walking and cycling a more attractive travel option particularly for trips within your region.
We used your views to
Your feedback was used to finalise the Active Travel Plan and Design Guide to prioritise new active travel infrastructure improvements.
We received around 2,000 suggestions on the interactive maps. Taken together with general Fix My Street requests, this helps to inform our priorities for investment for the next 10-15 years.
This information was also used to inform the District Plans developed as part of the New Planning System.
More information
For more information about active travel to school and work, including maps, micromobility and programs visit the
Transport Canberra website.

Illustration - aerial view of a traffic intersection showing tightened kerb radii which slows turning traffic and increases visibility between road and path users.