Consultation for this project is complete

How you had YourSay

The ACT Government has prepared a draft Native Species Conservation Plan for the Gula (Koala). Feedback on the plan was submitted by:

  • Reading the draft plan in the document library
  • Completing a short survey at the bottom of this page by 24 August

We looked at

Gula (Koala) have experienced significant declines in the ACT since the late 1800s, with the 2019-2020 bushfires severely impacting large areas of habitat across eastern Australia.

Endangered under the Nature Conservation Act 2014, there are currently no known Gula (Koala) populations in the ACT and we are unsure whether the habitat that remains is suitable to support future populations.

The draft Native Conservation Plan for the Gula aims to identify and assess the quality, quantity and distribution of habitat in the ACT and identify where management actions may be required.

This plan will be supporting the national recovery effort by aligning with the Federal Government’s National Recovery Plan for the Koala (combined populations of QLD, NSW & ACT.

About the plan

Working in collaboration with the Ngunnawal Community for cultural knowledge and vision input, the draft plan has six main objectives:

  • Establish a baseline monitoring project to identify sites with Gula presence in the ACT.
  • Assess quality, quantity and distribution of Gula habitat in the ACT, including linkages with habitat across the borders into NSW (i.e., encompassing Ngunnawal Country).
  • Following habitat assessment, identify critical gaps for the management and conservation of key habitat refugia and any restoration opportunities.
  • Undertake a feasibility study into establishing a Gula captive breeding program at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve that contributes to the recovery of wild populations of the species in ACT and across Ngunnawal Country.
  • If viable, establish a conservation translocation and supplementation plan to release Gula across Ngunnawal Country.
  • Engage strongly with community to promote collaborations, knowledge sharing, skill development and a greater overall interest in wildlife conservation, thus empowering the community to continue engaging in conservation activities beyond those in this plan.

A combination of scientific and traditional (Ngunnawal) methods will be utilised to achieve these objectives.

We will use your views to

Feedback from the community and stakeholders will inform the final Native Species Conservation Plan and the future of Koala conservation in the ACT.

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