Project status: Closed

How you had YourSay:

Over 8 weeks from 12 September to 7 November 2019 the ACT Government asked for your thoughts on the concept designs for Common Ground Dickson, to be located at 8 Hawdon Place, Dickson (Block 25 Section 72).

You shared your feedback on the designs by:

  • Commenting on the designs using the Plans and Feedback tab above
  • Emailing us at
  • Talking to us at a range of drop-in sessions

People were also able to get in touch by calling Access Canberra on 13 22 81.

A Consultation Report was prepared that captured what we heard from the community throughout the 8 week period. The report is available in the Document Library.

We are looking at:

As our city expands, we're planning for a Canberra that's inclusive, innovative, healthy, smart, active and fun. By developing new and improved properties, we ensure safe, affordable and secure housing choices are in place for everyone.

Throughout 2018, the ACT Government held many discussions with the local community and leaseholders about future plans for Section 72 Dickson. The conversations looked at how Section 72 could continue to support the community, enhance the area and deliver the ACT Government commitments for urban renewal and Canberra’s second Common Ground.

The Common Ground housing model supports people to move directly from homelessness into permanent housing and follows through with the support they need to stay housed, to improve their connections to health, education and employment, and to live independently with stability.

Common Ground in Gungahlin provides 40 one-bedroom units for a mix of people, including low income renters and those who have experienced homelessness.

The design for Common Ground Dickson is different to the Gungahlin model in that the 40 units will comprise a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes to allow for greater flexibility of tenants, including families. The designs include a mix of 18 x 1 bedroom units, 14 x 2 bedroom units and 8 x 3 bedroom units, all Class C Adaptable.

Development of Common Ground Dickson on Block 25 Section 72 Dickson required a variation to the Territory Plan. DV367 rezoned Block 25 to CFZ: Community Facility zone to facilitate development of the Common Ground housing model. The variation to the Territory Plan was subject to a separate, statutory consultation process, with members of the public able to provide comment. Following extensive community and stakeholder engagement the Territory Plan Variation 367 was approved on 3 February 2020 and came into effect on 28 February 2020.

For more information on The Common Ground model and the proposed development, including changes to the site, please see the FAQ tab.