Common Ground Dickson
Project status: Closed
How you had YourSay:
Over 8 weeks from 12 September to 7 November 2019 the ACT Government asked for your thoughts on the concept designs for Common Ground Dickson, to be located at 8 Hawdon Place, Dickson (Block 25 Section 72).
You shared your feedback on the designs by:
- Commenting on the designs using the Plans and Feedback tab above
- Emailing us at
- Talking to us at a range of drop-in sessions
People were also able to get in touch by calling Access Canberra on 13 22 81.
A Consultation Report was prepared that captured what we heard from the community throughout the 8 week period. The report is available in the Document Library.
We are looking at:
As our city expands, we're planning for a Canberra that's inclusive, innovative, healthy, smart, active and fun. By developing new and improved properties, we ensure safe, affordable and secure housing choices are in place for everyone.
Throughout 2018, the ACT Government held many discussions with the local community and leaseholders about future plans for Section 72 Dickson. The conversations looked at how Section 72 could continue to support the community, enhance the area and deliver the ACT Government commitments for urban renewal and Canberra’s second Common Ground.
The Common Ground housing model supports people to move directly from homelessness into permanent housing and follows through with the support they need to stay housed, to improve their connections to health, education and employment, and to live independently with stability.
Common Ground in Gungahlin provides 40 one-bedroom units for a mix of people, including low income renters and those who have experienced homelessness.
The design for Common Ground Dickson is different to the Gungahlin model in that the 40 units will comprise a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes to allow for greater flexibility of tenants, including families. The designs include a mix of 18 x 1 bedroom units, 14 x 2 bedroom units and 8 x 3 bedroom units, all Class C Adaptable.
Development of Common Ground Dickson on Block 25 Section 72 Dickson required a variation to the Territory Plan. DV367 rezoned Block 25 to CFZ: Community Facility zone to facilitate development of the Common Ground housing model. The variation to the Territory Plan was subject to a separate, statutory consultation process, with members of the public able to provide comment. Following extensive community and stakeholder engagement the Territory Plan Variation 367 was approved on 3 February 2020 and came into effect on 28 February 2020.
For more information on The Common Ground model and the proposed development, including changes to the site, please see the FAQ tab.
Throughout 2018, the ACT Government held many discussions with the local community and leaseholders about future plans for Section 72 Dickson. The conversations looked at how Section 72 could continue to support the community, enhance the area and deliver the ACT Government commitments for urban renewal and Canberra’s second Common Ground. They identified planning opportunities and challenges and captured community aspirations for the future of the area. Feedback[1] was received through various engagement activities, such as workshops, information kiosks, ‘Meet the Planners’ sessions, emails, presentations to the local community and interactive online maps on YourSay. A number of themes and priorities emerged from these discussions, including:
- Residential uses: there was broad support for sustainable, supportive and community housing, co-housing, public housing and housing for people to age in place.
- Active travel: the community wanted to see walking and cycling prioritised over cars, as well as better walking and cycling infrastructure and connections into and through the site.
- Community facilities and inclusive communities: some people wanted to see existing community facilities protected and enhanced for current and future populations, specifically older and younger generations, and people experiencing disadvantage. People also wanted to see commercial spaces, such as cafes. Suggestions highlighted that the area had potential to serve the broader community and could easily be enhanced to make it a more community-friendly place where people can just ‘hang out’.
- Green space and urban amenity: we heard that the trees and landscape characteristics should be protected while providing more active and creative spaces, such as playgrounds, parks, community gardens and a central meeting point for social interaction. Section 72 lessees suggested plans to improve interfaces between existing and future facilities to improve integration, activate green space and create safer places and high-quality urban amenity.
- Density: key themes heard during engagement related to integrating development into the landscape and tree line of the precinct (‘City in the Landscape’ character), preferably low-rise, medium density development with active interfaces to public spaces.
- Safety and Security: some concerns were raised about anti-social behaviour in the area, including vandalism of buildings and some physical attacks due to the under-utilisation of areas within the precinct and an associated lack of ‘eyes on the street’ and activity.
In response to the community feedback, the ACT Government’s Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) began drafting an Estate Development Plan (EDP) that incorporated feedback to date to inform the next stage of engagement.
EPSDD has advised the community that engagement around broader design plans for Section 72 Urban Renewal is on hold until the future of Block 22 is resolved. A community reference group is proposed to be established to build on what has been heard so far and provide further guidance on the planning and infrastructure for the broader Section 72 Dickson.
For more information on the plans for the broader Section 72 precinct, please visit Your Say Section 72.
[1] Dickson Section 72 Community Engagement Report – Stage 1; July 2018
How the concept designs for Common Ground Dickson have incorporated feedback
The brief for Common Ground Dickson incorporated community
and stakeholder design feedback from 2018 heard during Section 72 discussions about design
principles and desired outcomes for the area, and included:
- communal spaces that integrate into the broader area
- private areas for residents to use
- the creation of a public plaza to the northwest of the block (to facilitate a future central ‘heart’ for Section 72)
- a community garden/green space and green links where others in the neighbourhood are welcome to come and play and participate in the space
- a social hub, which may be used for a café or similar, has been located on the south-west corner of the building, adjacent to the Sullivan’s Creek connection which is accessible via the active travel paths and opens the space up to invite the broader community in
- few south-facing living spaces or windows to acknowledge Dumaresq Street residents’ concerns about possible overlooking
- passive surveillance opportunities throughout the building
- resident safety through secure and private entries for residents
- an opportunity for a community mural on one of the south-facing façade walls.
A key concern heard throughout community feedback opportunities was the proposed six-storey heights.
To allow for future roads, retention of trees and easements, the developable area of the block has been reduced by 40% from 6,968m2 to 4,234m2. In order to achieve the mix of 40 one, two and three-bedroom units as well as the green spaces and community spaces within the reduced block boundary, the design has a six-storey element running north-south of the block. Positioning the tallest element along a north-south axis means that residents can have an ideal vista, with views out to Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie towards the east and Black Mountain to the West, with balconies positioned to make the most of the solar orientation.
The majority of the building sits below the height of the trees running alongside Sullivan’s Creek, which combined with the 75 metres from the nearest house, means there is a natural buffer and minimal overlooking across Sullivan’s Creek (also see Shadow Diagram in Common Ground Dickson - floor plans). The remainder of the building ranges between two to four storeys, maintaining a predominantly two-storey scale to the south (with no south facing units above level 1). This allows for a stepped-down design that also ensures some visual interest from the street and meets the desire for lower levels on the outer areas of the development.
Site works and infrastructure upgrades to the site
Some new infrastructure and site servicing works will be required to enable a new development on Block 25 Section 72, Dickson. This includes:
- Roads to the north and south boundaries of Block 25 - The concept design for Common Ground Dickson proposes that the roads will be built to the boundary of the block, with turning heads until such time as the rest of Section 72 is developed. This enables access to the site and some on-street parking for Common Ground Dickson, and allows for any plans to continue the through-roads as part of any future upgrades to the Section.
- Traffic and parking - A traffic impact assessment indicates that a
development of this size (40 units) would not in isolation trigger the need to upgrade
the Hawdon Place/Antill Street intersection.
- Relocation of overhead power lines and power substation - Based on advice from Evoenergy, the existing overhead lines and substation will be relocated to the outside of the site.
Before any works start on the site, an ‘unexpected finds protocol and asbestos management plan’ will be developed. Note also that any upgrades to cycle and pedestrian paths are outside the scope of Common Ground Dickson.
The site is located close to the Dickson Town Centre, public transport, schools, community facilities and employment hubs, which makes it a suitable site for urban renewal.
Document Library
Check out the concept plans and share your feedback on the development. Please note your username is made public when you make a comment.
7 November, 2019
kate_ar says:
Yes to a functional multipurpose development. Impact of increased traffic & limited parking not outlined. Unacceptable loss of mature trees.
7 November, 2019
RobF says:
Where is the evidence for a small development to need two new roads that will destroy over 70 established trees along the drainage line?
6 November, 2019
KylieW says:
I'm disappointed to see so many established trees in the green corridor will be removed to construct a road - is that really necessary?
6 November, 2019
dicksonmember says:
I understand this plan will be extended in future to include a further road which will result in trees being cut down. I do not support this
6 November, 2019
happycampers says:
FAQs re trees is not correct. There are SIX trees currently on the block. Five will go if these 2 roads are built as shown. Total loss = 99
5 November, 2019
cjwright says:
I am against the impending loss of the green corridor filled with native birds and insect life on this basis I say NO
5 November, 2019
Peterbryan says:
These avenues are of great importance. Quantifying the importance in less then 22 words is impossible I am strongly apposed to these changes
5 November, 2019
teacake says:
Happy to see more community housing if well located, angry to hear of so many trees being taken away!
5 November, 2019
beneb says:
I'm supportive of the concept as a whole, but I do not support the removal of vegetation to support additional roads.
4 November, 2019
amie_doolan says:
Ugly square concrete blocks, reminds me of the public housing being knocked down along Northbourne Ave, only in this case much larger.
4 November, 2019
DeborahA says:
I am aghast at the destruction of the trees in the Dickson Corridor. This beautiful avenue is home to many birds and insects. Shame!
4 November, 2019
DanW says:
I am supportive of this model of housing, however 6 stories is too high for the surrounding area and existing trees should be retained
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Common Ground?
- Does Canberra already have a Common Ground?
- Who does Common Ground Gungahlin support?
- Is Common Ground public housing?
- Who will live there?
- How is this different to Common Ground Gungahlin?
- What supports are provided?
- When was the decision made to locate the new Common Ground in Section 72 Dickson?
- Why is Common Ground being built in Dickson?
- What is currently on the site?
- The block is not zoned for residential use – how can you build Common Ground Dickson here?
- Will there be any new roads as a result of Common Ground Dickson?
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Common Ground?
The Common Ground model was originally developed by Roseanne Heggarty in New York in 1990 and is a model of housing that aims to successfully end long-term, chronic homelessness by providing housing with on-site wrap around supports.
Common Ground is not a temporary or transitional service or shelter, rather it is a permanent supportive housing option for people who have experienced long-term homelessness and it mixes accommodation with personalised support. The Common Ground model also includes affordable housing for people who are on low incomes.
- Does Canberra already have a Common Ground?
Yes, the first Common Ground Canberra opened in July 2015. The six-storey development, located in the Gungahlin town centre, was designed and constructed to support a vibrant, inclusive and diverse community of tenants.
- Who does Common Ground Gungahlin support?
Tenants of Common Ground Gungahlin are part of the Gungahlin community. Of the 40 units in the development, 20 are dedicated to people who have lived experience of chronic homelessness, and the other 20 are affordable rental units, dedicated to individuals and couples on a low income (for example, students or apprentices on low wages).
- Is Common Ground public housing?
Common Ground is not public housing. Common Ground is a community housing model and a valuable alternative to public housing in the ACT. Similar to the existing Common Ground Gungahlin, the model will be developed in partnership between government, community and the private sector. The ACT Government will fund construction, retaining the asset, and will contribute to and subsidise the model to enable ongoing funding of staff positions and payment of land rates.
Supporting the development of a second Common Ground will increase the supply of affordable housing and free up crisis accommodation, leading to improved long term sustainable housing outcomes for Canberrans.
- Who will live there?
The Common Ground model is based on ‘Housing First’ principles which is a proven approach that connects people experiencing homelessness with safe, permanent and affordable housing as quickly as possible and without pre-conditions. It is designed to accommodate a mix of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, often with high and complex support needs, and low-income tenants. In addition to single people and couples, the second Common Ground in Dickson will support older women, single parents and families with children.
A key element of the ACT Housing Strategy is to address gaps in our services system and respond to new and emerging groups vulnerable to homelessness. Service delivery gaps were identified during the Housing and Homelessness Summit and the wider consultation process held in 2017. Older women in financial crisis are one of the fastest growing cohorts among the homeless population in the ACT according to the census.
Since 2011 homelessness among women over 55 has risen by 24%. Older women often do not contact homelessness services. Often referred to as ‘the hidden homeless’ women over 55 are more likely to couch surf or stay with relatives. Around 33% of people who seek help from homelessness services are couples and families with children.
Providers in the homelessness sector often have difficulty housing couples together due to the congregate living arrangements of many of our crisis accommodation places. This expanded cohort also aligns with the priority cohorts the ACT Government committed to focus support to under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA), including women in financial crisis and women who have experienced domestic and family violence.
- How is this different to Common Ground Gungahlin?
The existing Common Ground Gungahlin is a permanent supportive housing model which supports single people and couples, and includes the provision of case management and in-house support. The new Common Ground Dickson will include services specific for older women and families in addition to the standard Common Ground model of case management support with tenancy management.
Meeting the housing needs of a cohort including families with children will be an important design requirement. Family-oriented support and recreation will be included in the service design, including support to assist with access to childcare, after school programs, and family focussed health and counselling services.
For older women, services may also include linkages to primary and specialist health services for ageing; financial or superannuation counselling; employment and upskilling opportunities; and participation and inclusion activities.
Like Gungahlin, Common Ground Dickson will have a mix of 20 units dedicated to people who have lived experiences of chronic homelessness and the other 20 will dedicated as affordable rental properties.
- What supports are provided?
The Common Ground model separates tenancy and property management. In Gungahlin, Argyle Community Housing provides property management support and Northside Community Service provides support to tenants by collaborating with a wide range of external support agencies, government agencies and community organisations to deliver clinical services, training, employment and education support, as well as life skills and recreational activities and events. Common Ground Dickson will likely have the same support model in place; however, at this early stage, the community organisations responsible for tenancy and property management have not yet been selected. A separate tender process for the procurement of these services is expected to take place in late 2020.
- When was the decision made to locate the new Common Ground in Section 72 Dickson?
On 7 October 2016, ACT Labor released its ‘Labor’s plan for social housing’ media statement outlining its commitment to continue to build on the renewal of public housing with a series of investments to improve social housing in the ACT. In the media release, ACT Labor outlined that it would “build a second ‘Common Ground’ in Dickson, close to services, job opportunities and the Northbourne Avenue corridor” which was reported by local media. The project is also included in Appendix 2 to the Parliamentary Agreement between ACT Labor and the ACT Greens.
On 23 October 2017, the Minister for Planning and Land Management, and the Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, jointly confirmed that the new Common Ground would be developed within Dickson Section 72. The media release for the announcement is here.
- Why is Common Ground being built in Dickson?
Addressing housing affordability and homelessness has been a long-term commitment of the ACT Government. The ACT Government has committed to establishing a second Common Ground and has identified Block 25 Section 72 Dickson as the site.
The inner north is rapidly changing, and the Dickson Group Centre is an important part of the area. The site for Common Ground is in close proximity to amenities and essential services such as transport, education, employment, retail, health and community services. This location in Dickson will support people from diverse backgrounds who want to access services, play, learn, live and enjoy the area like every other local resident.
The ACT Government has identified Section 72 Dickson as an important urban renewal site, due to its proximity to the Dickson Group Centre, accessibility to public transport, schools, and community facilities. Much of the civil infrastructure and landscaping around the site is also reaching the end of its operational life. The site offers opportunities to support development with economic and social benefits.
- What is currently on the site?
The site is currently vacant.
- The block is not zoned for residential use – how can you build Common Ground Dickson here?
The site is currently zoned CZ6: Commercial and Leisure which does not allow for residential development on the block. Development of Common Ground Dickson on Block 25 Section 72 Dickson requires a variation to the Territory Plan. DV367 seeks to rezone Block 25 Section 72, Dickson to CFZ Community Facilities zone to facilitate development of the Common Ground housing model. Any variations to the Territory Plan are subject to a separate, statutory consultation process, with members of the public able to provide comment. For more information, visit the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate’s Draft Variations web page.
- Will there be any new roads as a result of Common Ground Dickson?
Engagement through 2018 identified that the community valued improved connections through Section 72 Dickson. Two new roads have been incorporated into the design of Common Ground Dickson, to the north and south of Block 25. These roads will serve as access roads to the Common Ground building and, in the future, can be extended as through-roads.
- (NEW) Is Block 25 contaminated?
Block 25 Section 72, Dickson is not recorded on the Environment Protection Authority’s contaminated sites management database or geographic information system. Nor is the site recorded on the Register of Contaminated Sites under section 21(A) of the Environment Protection Act 1997.
In 2010 the Canberra Space Dome and Observatory was destroyed by fire. The buildings contained asbestos but the records held by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) show no record of receipt of a clearance certificate following demolition and clean-up of the site.
A Phase 2 environmental assessment of the site was carried out in 2014 which concluded that the site would be suitable for land uses permitted under CZ6: Leisure and Accommodation on the condition that an asbestos management plan and unexpected finds protocol were implemented prior to any earthworks on the site.
Based on a 2019 preliminary site investigation it is considered that the site is still suitable for the existing zoning (CZ6). Based on the 2014 environmental assessment and the absence of any significant changes, the site is also considered suitable for standard residential and other sensitive land uses such as childcare centres. This was conditional on a Construction Environmental Management Plan be prepared detailing that an asbestos management plan and unexpected finds protocol were implemented.
- (NEW) What trees are at risk from Common Ground Dickson?
There is one Regulated tree on Block 25 Section 72 Dickson. The proposed roads shown to the north and south of the Common Ground building are wholly located within the Block 25 boundary. The proposed stub roads (no through roads) do not impact on the Regulated tree within the block, nor any trees outside the block boundary. A tree management plan will be prepared as part of the development application to ensure any impact from construction works on trees outside the block boundary are considered.
Common Ground Dickson has been designed to retain the many valuable trees surrounding Block 25, including the Quercus Suber (Cork Oak) and Eucalyptus Maidenii (Maiden’s Gum) trees to the south, and optimise access and views between the development and these surrounding landscape areas. The established landscape setting of Section 72 Dickson also provides a visual buffer between the proposed development, the Dickson channel and nearby residents along Dumaresq Street.
- (NEW) Will any trees or urban open space be removed as part of a broader Section 72 Dickson urban renewal?
Feedback from the community on Section 72 clearly identified the importance of the green spaces. Urban renewal planning will maintain and enhance the established landscape character of the area, including the more than 800 trees within and surrounding the site. Significant trees, including the Cork Oaks to the south of Block 25, are protected.
Future road and shared space connections beyond Block 25 will be subject to further community engagement, planning and design to be undertaken as part of the future Section 72 Dickson urban renewal. A landscape plan will be developed as part of the Estate Development Plan. This plan will look at opportunities for enhanced green spaces, active nature play, further pool forecourt improvements and an additional pedestrian bridge over Sullivan’s Creek.
In instances where it is necessary for trees to be removed replacement plantings will be proposed in the landscape plan to maintain and enhance the existing landscape character, as well as maintain canopy cover, species suitability, public safety and enjoyment.
- How big is the block and will Common Ground Dickson take up the whole of Block 25 Section 72?
The total area of the block is 6,968m2. Once allowances were made for future roads, retention of trees and easements, the developable area of the block was reduced by 40% to 4,234m2. During the 2018 community engagement, it was discussed that Block 25 may be used for a mix of developments, to include Common Ground Dickson and potentially other types of residential uses. Due to the reduced block size, the decision was made to keep Block 25 for the sole purpose of providing a thoughtful design for Common Ground Dickson, addressing as many of the community’s comments as possible.
The indicative gross floor area of the new building is 8,813m2. The design includes 40 Class C Adaptable units, with a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, and a flexible space on the ground floor, with commercial height ceilings, to enable a range of potential uses including community use (to support a range of possible services on the ground floor) and social enterprise such as a café and other non-retail commercial uses (offices, craft workshop, etc).
- How high will the new building be?
Responding to concerns about overshadowing/ overlooking to Sullivan’s Creek and residents of Dumaresq Street, the tallest building element of 6 storeys runs along the north/south axis. The height of the rest of the building varies from two to four-storeys across the block.
- Is this different to what was shown in 2018?
The indicative siting and design of the building responds to community engagement feedback received throughout 2018, as well as the draft concept plan prepared for the broader Section 72 Dickson by EPSDD and its consultants, including:
- indicative future roads to the north and south of Block 25 (to facilitate connection from Hawdon Place through to Rosevear Place through two east-west axes)
- predominantly two-storey height limit to the southern boundary (responding to concerns about overlooking from the private residents on Dumaresq Street)
- concentration of height – to a maximum of 6 storeys – along the north/south axis of the block (responding to concerns about overshadowing to Sullivans Creek)
- creation of a public plaza to the northwest of the block (to facilitate a future central ‘heart’ for the section).
- Will the buildings overshadow or block sunlight to existing buildings?
The Territory Plan contains provisions to minimise and manage issues associated with overshadowing, overlooking and privacy, wind tunnel effects, noise and lighting. These provisions stipulate minimum distances between balconies and primary windows as well as requirements for screening at the interface with other residential areas to protect access to sunlight. We have developed a Shadow Diagram to show the impact of any potential overshadowing that the built form may cause.
- Will the new building be secure?
The safety and security of residents is paramount, and this is reflected in the thoughtful design of the new building. The design also enables passive surveillance of the surrounding areas, in response to feedback from the community.
- Isn’t a six-storey building too dense for this area?
Due to the inclusion of northern and southern boundary roads to ‘future proof’ the site for any future development within Section 72, and in order to keep the existing trees on the block to preserve the green space and natural buffer that the tree line provides, the block size has been reduced by 40% from its original size. This means that there is a six-storey element running along the north-south of the block, with the remainder of the building two to four storeys. The new building has been designed with interfacing to the public realm and links to the rest of the section front of mind. The design of the building is sensitive to the natural and built environment that surrounds it, and reflects the increasingly urban form of the Dickson Town Centre.
- Some of the units are west-facing. What sustainability features will be included in the design of Common Ground Dickson?
The units which are west-facing are exposed to the sun during summer. These units have been designed with deep set balconies which allows the roof to provide some measure of protection and the windows will be double-glazed. Other sustainability measures considered in the design include:
- cross flow natural ventilation to apartments
- northern orientation to the vast majority of apartments
- single loaded corridors to allow natural light and ventilation into shared spaces
- reduced basement car parking with secure bike lock up to promote public/alternative transportation options and active travel routes in the area
- increased building mass to allow for greater green space on the ground floor plane of this site (more garden and trees)
- shared community gardens which may support food production
- a generous and inviting light-filled central stair to promote and encourage tenants who are able to use stairs instead of the lifts
- rainwater harvesting and storage
- double glazing on windows
- maximised insulation
Common Ground Dickson is well serviced by public transport (bus services along Antill Street), is within walking distance of the Dickson Group Centre and all its shops, services and facilities (about 900 metres) and the light rail along Northbourne Avenue is some 1.4km or 15 minute walk away. The bike path on the other side of the stormwater drain connects to the bike path network into the city and there will be bike parking facilities available in the basement.
- What materials are going to be used in the new building?
We are exploring the use of high quality, durable and sustainable materials that enhance the streetscape and complement the identity of the area.
Material options currently under exploration include:
- brick
- pre-cast concrete
- timber (only on soffits or areas of low maintenance)
- prefinished metal cladding
- What parking provisions have been made for Common Ground Dickson?
The design includes 40 car spaces located in the basement which will be dedicated resident car parks. The design currently shows 18 on-street parking spaces, but the number will be subject to final road network design. The design allows for less car parks than is required under the Parking and Vehicular Access General Code; this is due to the sites proximity to public transport options available along Antill Street (approx. 200m) and Northbourne Avenue and Cape Street interchange (approx. 1.4km) and walking distance to essential services at the Dickson Group Centre (approx. 900m). There will be bike parking facilities in the basement.
- Will the urban renewal affect rates or property values?
The urban renewal of Section 72 will deliver updated infrastructure to replace ageing assets, demolition of vacant disused buildings and facilitate the construction of some new buildings on vacant Government-owned land. These changes are expected to deliver a range of benefits to the community; is not anticipated there will be any decrease in surrounding property values as a result.