This project is closed for feedback
The ACT Government has committed to building four new health centres across the Territory, starting in South Tuggeranong. In late 2023, we asked the community what services they would like to see available at the new South Tuggeranong Health Centre.
The new health centre in South Tuggeranong will offer community-based services that are closer to home and will complement the health centre that is currently located on Anketell Street, Greenway. It will also help support the delivery of other community services to support the changing health needs of the Tuggeranong community.
How you had YourSay
Through surveys, pop-ups and written submissions, we heard from you about:
- the important considerations when designing the new health centre
- your top three priorities for community health services at the centre
- specific considerations for the site and it's surrounding area.
You can find a summary of the feedback received by the ACT Government in the Listening Report.
Your views will be used to
The ACT Government continued designing and planning for the new South Tuggeranong Health Centre.
Following consultation and service planning, the services that will be offered at the centre were finalised. They will be:
- paediatrics
- pathology collection
- diabetes clinics
- falls and falls injury prevention
- dementia care
- chronic disease programs
- community nursing
- a virtual care interview room.
A development application has been submitted and will now be assessed. You can find the application by visiting the Planning ACT website.
We are looking at
Where will the centre be located?
A greenfield site in Conder (Block 13, Section 228) has been chosen as the preferred site for the new centre in South Tuggeranong. The site is near Lanyon Marketplace and has sufficient capacity to deliver other community services required to support the changing population over the coming years.

Existing services
What services are currently available in Tuggeranong?
The new health centre in South Tuggeranong will offer community-based services that are closer to home and will complement the Tuggeranong Community Health Centre that is currently located on Anketell Street, Greenway which offers the following services:

A walk-in Centre is also available in Tuggeranong which provides free health care for non-life-threatening injuries and illnesses to anyone who is over one year of age.
What we have already heard
Last year, ACT Health ran a series of community engagements to better understand what Canberrans want and need from public health services across the ACT. The community engagement included multiple opportunities for the community to provide feedback on numerous elements of ACT health care services.
We heard that people want better access to:

We heard that most of the community are happy to receive health care wherever it is recommended to best suit their health issue, and many wanted to receive care close to home and at a centre in the community. When we asked you to rank your top factors that influence your decision about where to access health services, you said

We heard that most people said they strongly felt that there should be a mix of services at each health centre in the community.
To find out more about the outcomes from this consultation visit