This project is closed for feedback

How you had YourSay

In early 2023, Canberrans were invited to have their say on the Canberra Civic and Cultural District and position Canberra as Australia's arts capital by tapping into the inspiration of Country.

The Canberra Civic and Cultural District will play a pivotal role in advancing the city's evolution, providing a dedicated space to foster a sense of belonging for everyone.

We wanted to hear your thoughts on what a dedicated art, culture, and civic space could look like and how you would benefit from its realisation.

We are asked for feedback to help bring to life this central District. With your help, we have an opportunity to:

  • Elevate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s cultural and artistic practice across the District.
  • Create amazing art and culture everywhere, at any time, for everyone.
  • Develop arts, cultural, and creative industries, supporting creation and culture at all levels, via any path.
  • Promote our arts and culture to attract artists, creators, arts workers, visitors, and investment.

A report on what we heard will be published in May 2024.

The city centre is, and should continue to be, the epicentre of Canberra life. With a number of future development sites surrounding the existing Canberra Theatre, and a new Canberra Theatre being developed, there is a significant opportunity to build a valued space within Canberra city dedicated to arts and culture.

The Canberra Civic and Cultural District is located immediately to the east of City Hill, bounded by Vernon Circle, London Circuit, Constitution Avenue and Northbourne Avenue. It includes Ainslie Place.

The area boasts the fundamentals of an exceptional place: unique cultural attractions, a daily workforce, and a central location.
More than 20,000 local residents are planned for the surrounding areas by 2040, complemented by new transport links and investment in surrounding urban renewal.

Nearby, the new University of New South Wales campus and the development of the Australian National University campus contribute to the overall allure, attracting thought leaders, innovators, and creative minds to the City Centre.

Alongside an economic upturn in spending, the area's transformation is expected to bring about 90 ongoing creative sector jobs to the city centre, with an additional 1,400 jobs during construction.

Previous engagement

This concept for the Canberra Civic and Culture District has been created based on conversations with industry experts and community stakeholders. An 'ideas jam' was held on 27 June 2023 with 31 participants from arts and tourism industry, education organisations, government agencies and First Nations stakeholders. We have had ongoing conversations with First Nations representatives as well as ArtsACT, the Cultural Facilities Corporation, the National Capital Authority, Major Projects Canberra, Treasury and the Legislative Assembly.

Your feedback will assist the ACT Government in preparing a draft development masterplan for the District.

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