This project is open for feedback

About the project

We're seeking community views on approaches to restrict gambling advertising for consumers in the ACT, specifically for children and youth who are exposed to gambling advertising.

We want your feedback on two proposed restrictions, which are for time periods when children are more likely to watch broadcast media where gambling ads are placed. You can read more about the proposed restrictions in the discussion paper.

We'd also welcome other proposals for restricting gambling advertising which are not addressed by the paper.

Consultation closes on Friday 6 September 2024.

How to have your say

Before having your say we strongly encourage you to read our discussion paper on limiting child and youth exposure to gambling advertising in the ACT.

To provide your feedback on the proposed restrictions to gambling advertising you can:

  • complete our short survey on which restriction you prefer
  • upload a written submission via our make a submission page to provide more detail on your preferred restriction option
  • make a short comment on our quick comment page, which can be voted on by other community members.

If you would prefer to email us directly with your feedback, you can write to us at

Background information

Research indicates that exposure to gambling advertising is linked to riskier gambling activities. There is also a known correlation between exposure to gambling advertising and the risk of harm to children and young people.

In its 2020 Youth Gambling Study, the Central Queensland University (‘CQU') found that ‘increased exposure to gambling advertising, and thinking more positively about gambling from seeing gambling advertisements, were associated with increased gambling participation, intentions and problems amongst youth’.

The ACT Government has been exploring options to regulate gambling advertising within the ACT, with the aim to limit child and youth exposure.

In 2013, South Australia introduced restrictions on the broadcasting of gambling advertising on television and radio. In South Australia, gambling advertising must not be placed on radio between 6:00am and 8:30am or television between 4.00pm and 7.30pm, Monday to Friday (inclusive). Gambling advertising placed on a dedicated sports channel is excluded from these restrictions.

The ACT Government is considering whether the approach adopted by South Australia could also be adopted in the ACT, or whether the ACT should consider other options for reform.

The impact of having your say

Your feedback may inform options for future legislative reform to restrict gambling advertising on television and radio in the ACT.