Project status: Closed

The Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal: A natural resource plan for the ACT 2022-2042 was published on the ACT Government Environment website in August 2023.

Well managed natural resources contribute to the wellbeing of all the people of the ACT Region. The ACT has a very diverse landscape with a variety of environmental, social and natural values. The collaborative management of these values by government, in partnership with community, is of high importance to ensure that people and landscapes are connected and that the ACT is well prepared for the challenges of the future.

How you had YourSay:

You had YourSay, by reviewing the DRAFT Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal - A natural resource plan for the ACT 2022-2042 and completing a survey at the bottom of this webpage.

We were looking at:

The ACT Government was developing a new plan for managing our natural resources. In developing this plan, we recognised that managing natural resources is a shared responsibility. The Canberra community’s contribution was vital to ensuring the plan reflects community knowledge and aspirations, and highlights everyone's role in natural resource management (NRM).

NRM is the integrated management of the natural resources that make up Australia’s landscapes, such as land, water, soil, plants and animals. That is, our land, water, biodiversity and cultural assets. NRM considers human activities and natural processes to deliver the best outcomes for today’s needs and for future generations.

We will use your views to:

In June 2021, we asked for your feedback on the discussion paper that would help inform the development of the DRAFT Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal - A natural resource plan for the ACT 2022-2042. During the discussion paper consultation , we heard that the following elements were important to you:

  • Emphasising the need for Ngunnawal cultural values and aspirations
  • Climate resilience
  • Connection between people and Nature
  • Health and wellbeing integrated throughout the plan

We took that feedback on board and, in October 2022, wanted to know if we accurately reflected what we heard in the draft management plan. Your views were then used to:

  • Inform updates to the plan and how we can best implement strategies for the long-term management of our natural resources.
  • Finalise the Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal - A natural resource plan for the ACT 2022-2042.

Your views will be used to:

  • Inform updates to the plan and how we can best implement strategies for the long-term management of our natural resources.
  • Finalise the Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal - A natural resource plan for the ACT 2022-2042.


NRM is the integrated management of the natural resources that makes up Australia’s landscapes, such as land, water, soil, plants and animals. That is, our land, water and biodiversity and cultural assets.

NRM takes account of human activities and natural processes to ensure they are balanced and carefully managed to deliver the best outcomes for today’s needs and for future generations.

We work with the local community, including the Aboriginal community, rural landholders, Landcare, ParkCare and catchment management, government and business groups.

ACT NRM is the organisation responsible for the ACT Region. It works with the local community, including the aboriginal community, rural landholders, Landcare, Parkcare and catchment management groups, government and business groups.

ACT NRM is located within the ACT Government’s Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) and is funded by both the ACT Government and the Australian Government under the Australian Government's Regional Stream of the National Landcare Program 2018-2023 (NLP2) – Regional Land Partnerships (RLP).