Consultation for this project is complete

The ACT is preparing to electrify our city and transition away from the use of fossil fuel gas by 2045. We’re doing this because an electric Canberra will allow us to power our city, homes, businesses, and transport in a cleaner and cheaper way.

Fossil fuel gas accounts for more than 20% of our emissions here in the ACT and the ACT is committed to phasing out fossil fuel gas by 2045 at the latest. Our plan to transition is to electrify our city where possible and explore the potential for a renewable gas market where electrification is not feasible.

We recognise that fossil fuel gas will remain an important source of energy over the next 10 years. That is why we are approaching this transition responsibly and sustainably over the next 20 years.

We recognise that the decision to transition the Territory to be powered by 100% renewable electricity is significant.

We will be engaging directly with stakeholders and the community to ensure a fair and equitable transition. This will allow us an opportunity to better understand the challenges and opportunities the transition away from gas presents for ACT homes, businesses, industry and community groups.

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How we got here

The ACT Government’s decision to transition off fossil fuel gas has been informed by significant research and analysis, including technical modelling and consumer research.

This transition requires a coordinated and planned approach over the next 20 years. This will allow us to maintain a secure, affordable and reliable energy supply across the ACT.

Key transition challenges

For most Canberrans, this transition will be very similar to the introduction of digital TV or the phase out of leaded petrol – gas cooking, heating and hot water will be replaced with electric options when that household or business is in the market for a new appliance. However, the ACT Government recognises that this transition may be complex for households with lower incomes and for businesses where electric technology doesn’t currently exist or it is too expensive to transition. The ACT Government will be investigating how best to support these groups to transition away from gas use at a time that is right for them.

Some key challenges we need to address include:

  • Electrifying our community

  • Electrifying complex buildings

  • Developing the future energy network

  • Skills and workforce for the transition

  • Electrifying business

  • Electrifying industry and heavy transport