Project status: Closed

The regulation to prevent new gas network connections is a significant change for the ACT community. The electrification of our city is a change that will happen over time, but we need to start now by preventing new sources of fossil fuel gas use.

We asked for your help to design a regulation for the prevention of new residential and commercial gas network connections, so we can make sure the regulation considers the impacts of a change like this for ACT homes, businesses, industry and community groups.

Public consultation is now closed. For more information on what was heard during the consultation period, you can read the Listening Report and Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report outlining what we heard during the consultation period.

The purpose of this consultation was to:

  • Make sure the new regulation considers the impacts of a change like this on all members of our community.
  • Hear your feedback on the issues we have already identified, and for you to tell us about things we may not have considered yet.
  • Support the development of an Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) that reflects the views, concerns and interests of the ACT community and stakeholders. A draft IEP is planned to be released for community consultation in the second half of 2023.

What’s being proposed?

The Issues Paper outlines a preferred position of an initial regulation prohibiting all new fossil fuel gas network connections in residential and commercial areas across the Territory. This approach would allow continued connections in industrial areas until a further regulation was made.

The preferred approach would use the Territory Plan zones to determine whether the regulation applies and would create a process for seeking an exemption from the regulation.

The ACT Government plans for a regulation to commence in November 2023 (or as soon as practicable thereafter), and feedback on transition, implementation arrangements and exemptions is sought.

What are the main issues?

The key issues we have identified and sought feedback were:

  • identifying land or premises that are subject to the regulation
  • determining the types of land and premises to be included in initial regulation
  • application of the regulation to greenfield and infill developments, including renovations and knock-down rebuilds
  • exemptions to the regulation
  • reporting
  • commencement date
  • transition period and considerations

The full Issues Paper is available here.

A summary version of the Issues Paper is available here.

How you had your say

Consultations closed on 20 April 2023.

We welcomed all members of the ACT community to have a say on the new regulation.

You can listen to some of the ideas and feedback in a number of ways, including:

How we will use your feedback

We will use your feedback to help design and inform the new regulation. We will also use it to help us develop the ACT’s Integrated Energy Plan, which will guide our transition towards full electrification, which is anticipated to be implemented in November 2023 (or as soon as practical thereafter).

Integrated Energy Plan

We would like to highlight that this consultation is the first stage in ACT’s journey to electrifying the Territory, and is specifically focused on the regulation to prevent new gas connections.

We understand that the community is deeply interested in the broader energy transition and providing feedback on that. There will be an opportunity for you to have your say as part the bigger transition approach.

This is being captured as part of the development of our ‘Integrated Energy Plan’. The Government will release a draft integrated energy plan in 2023, that will outline the governments proposed pathway to electrification.

Community feedback will be sought on the draft plan.

The plan will have a focus on the following themes:

  • Supporting households with lower incomes and renters
  • Transitioning complex buildings
  • Finding alternatives for specific gas requirements
  • Opportunities for the workforce and economy
  • The future of the gas network
  • Role of batteries and electric vehicles.

Community consultation on the Integrated Energy Plan is anticipated to commence in the second half of 2023.