Project status: Closed

How you had your say

From 1 August to 12 September 2023, community and industry provided feedback in the following ways:

Community and industry feedback is summarised in a series of consultation reports, including a:

A list of engagement activity reports are also available in the Document Library below.

What we looked at

To help Canberra prepare for an electric future we’re developing the Integrated Energy Plan (IEP). The IEP is our electrification pathway. It will outline the ACT’s energy transition to help us meet our legislated target of zero net emissions by 2045.

The ACT continues to lead the world in taking action on climate change. We are set to become the first Australian jurisdiction to be powered exclusively by renewable energy by 2045. However, with fossil fuel gas accounting for over 20% of the ACT emissions and transport accounting for 60%, there is still a long way to go.

In August 2022 the ACT Government released the Our Pathway to Electrification - Position Paper. The Position Paper explains why the ACT is transitioning away from fossil fuel gas and outlines a proposed pathway to get there. The IEP will set out that pathway.

The Integrated Energy Plan will provide a clear strategy for how the ACT will transform its energy systems to:

  • secure an affordable and sustainable energy future
  • support a fair and equitable transition to net zero emissions from fossil fuel energy over the next two decades
  • transition away from fossil fuel gas and ensure a reliable and affordable energy system.

The Integrated Energy Plan will outline how we engage and support energy consumers and establish collaborative partnerships so we can deliver on these objectives.

The Integrated Energy Plan will be delivered in three stages from 2024 out to 2040:

  • Integrated Energy Plan 1 (2024 - 2030)
  • Integrated Energy Plan 2 (2030 - 2035)
  • Integrated Energy Plan 3 (2035 - 2040)

Community and industry feedback from August and September 2023 informed the development of IEP 1 (2024 - 2030). Specific actions under stages 2 and 3 will depend on the progress of IEP 1.

The IEP Summary paper provides an overview of what is expected, and the likely focus of government efforts, over each stage of the IEP. This approach will allow us to address emerging challenges and opportunities as we (and the rest of the country) continue our energy transition.

The Position Paper proposes a framework for the IEP and draft principles to guide the transition out to 2045.