Project status: Closed

What is the project about?

University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park (the Park) is a unique multi-purpose facility attracting both recreational and professional sporting users throughout the year.

Rapidly increasing site visitation has identified the need to develop an overarching tracks and trails masterplan to guide development over the next five years.

The new University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park Tracks and Trails Masterplan will look at existing sanctioned tracks and trails, and plan for new tracks and trails located on both the eastern and western sides of Stromlo.

What we are looking at

A new five-year Tracks and Trails Masterplan to help improve the Park for all users.

Whether you are a runner, mountain bike rider, road cyclist, equestrian or just love University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park, the community was invited to have their say on the future of the tracks and trails.

In planning for the next five years, we want to consider:

  • how you are currently using the Park
  • the impact of the growing visitation
  • the use of shared trail, safety and accessibility
  • options for trail exclusivity, along with an expanded network
  • what you need to access the Park


Frequently Asked Questions

The significant increase in visitation and a change in user demand at the University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park has been putting pressure on the park’s tracks and trails, impacting both user experience and sustainability of the trail network. A tracks and trails masterplan is required to help guide the future development and management of the park’s trails to meet future demand and remains a world-class trail facility.

As well as improving the current network of tracks and trails, the Masterplan will consider options for new trails, with a focus on balancing the needs of all trail users and enhancing access during events and peak periods.

ACT Government approached the Stromlo Stakeholder Consultative Committee to request details of trail consultants with the appropriate skills and experience for the job. The recommended consultants were invited to submit a formal offer through a Request for Quote process. The successful consultant was chosen by a selection committee who evaluated all responses against the requirements of the project brief.

World Trail Pty Ltd was selected as the successful consultant for its demonstrated high level of experience, appreciation of the project, and methodology.

The University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park Tracks and Trails Masterplan design is anticipated to be completed by Spring 2023.

Funding to implement the recommendations from the University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park Tracks and Trails Masterplan will be sourced via budget bid to the annual ACT Government Budget process. This is a competitive process where the funding bid will be considered on its merits against other ACT Government priorities.

Additionally, University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park anticipates utilising funding from self-generated revenue activities.

The responses to the YourSay online questionnaire will be summarised into a publicly available report and used by the project team to help inform its decisions.

The recommendations of the Masterplan will be informed by feedback from the community, input by stakeholders and the expertise of the consultant. The needs of all user groups will be considered and balanced as best possible within the constraints of the site, including existing infrastructure, site access and movement, topography, risk, etc.

We have a dedicated, professional tracks and trails maintenance team.

We also have a volunteer program that we are looking to extend over the coming years, and welcome new members to help us keep our tracks and trails to industry standard.


How to have YourSay

The community engagement is now closed. A What we heard report has been compiled and is now available in the document library on this page. Thank you for your insights, we were overwhelmed by the amount of feedback provided and have taken the time to ensure every contribution was considered. Thank you for your patience.

Photos of the Park

There are various ways to enjoy University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park.

How we will use your feedback and ideas

Your views will provide input into the development of a five-year Tracks and Trails Masterplan for University of Canberra Stromlo Forest Park.

Note: We have engaged World Trail Pty Ltd to deliver the Tracks and Trails Masterplan. Information provided for this project will be shared between World Trail Pty Ltd and the ACT Government, in line with our Privacy Policy.