
Public participation and engagement are the foundations of good decision making. Major Projects Canberra (MPC) is committed to meaningful community engagement on works that significantly affect Canberra and the community. One of the ways that MPC engages with Canberrans and interested stakeholders on the Canberra Theatre Redevelopment project is through the Performing Arts Reference Group (PARG).

MPC will take reasonable actions to consider the views and advice provided by the PARG alongside other stakeholder groups and project advisors.

PARG minutes and outcomes will be shared across Government and published on the Canberra Theatre Redevelopment project website.

Purpose of the PARG

The purpose of the PARG is to improve understanding the performing arts sector considerations, issues, concerns and social and environmental priorities relating to the Canberra Theatre Redevelopment project.

The PARG will facilitate two-way information sharing between MPC and the community.

The PARG is not a decision-making body. The scope of advice and feedback for the PARG relates to the Canberra Theatre Redevelopment Project, that is, the development of the design, submission of the construction phase business case, planning approvals and, ultimately, construction of the built infrastructure. The scope of the PARG does not extend to areas such as funding and programming, which are matters for discussion in other forums.

Role of the PARG

The PARG is an advisory group who will help inform Major Projects Canberra on topics that will assist with the delivery of the Canberra Theatre Centre infrastructure project. The PARG will:

  • provide a voice for the performing arts sector in Canberra Theatre Redevelopment design phase
  • contribute views on issues, impacts and opportunities that relate to the infrastructure project, and share insights and ideas with the project team
  • relay and share project updates with their organisation and community, and seek feedback from their personal networks where possible and appropriate on issues discussed and raised in the PARG
  • help the government deliver a redeveloped Canberra Theatre Centre that has listened to and considered community feedback.


Members are made up of representative organisations, peak bodies and individuals with an interest in the issues, impacts and opportunities of the Canberra Theatre Centre Redevelopment project in Canberra.

Representative organisations and groups can allocate one representative to attend meetings. An alternate delegate may be nominated to attend by providing advance notice to the chair.

MPC will endeavour to ensure members are diverse and representative of Canberra’s performing arts community.

Members are expected to attend at least four of the six planned meetings or activities a year.

A member may withdraw from the PARG at any time in writing by emailing

MPC may remove a member from the PARG at any time, by providing that member with notice in writing, which shall have immediate effect.

Members with non-attendance at more than two meetings in a row without notice will be asked if they prefer to withdraw from the PARG.

Upon a member vacancy occurring in the PARG, the vacancy may be filled by MPC in accordance with these Terms of Reference.

A PARG position may become available if a member:

  • resigns their position from the PARG
  • is removed from the PARG
  • displays offensive or disrespectful behaviour
  • fails to attend more than two meetings in a row without notice
  • breaches a conflict of interest.

All members must agree to the Terms of Reference.

The PARG will be reviewed and membership may be revised in 2024.

Operation of the PARG

The meetings will be hosted by the Convener and chaired by an Independent Facilitator.

The Convener is a senior representative on the project who can share project information and answer questions. The Independent Facilitator will arrange, chair and facilitate productive discussion in each meeting.

No member shall make public statements purporting to represent the views of the PARG.


The PARG will come together every second month depending on project milestones and the requirements of the group.

The group’s activities will consist of formal group meetings combined with informal events or activities such as workshops, brainstorms or site visits.

The agenda and any supporting materials such as briefing papers, fact sheets or project updates will be distributed to members approximately one week before each meeting.

Minutes will be recorded for formal meetings and distributed within 10 business days of the meeting.

MPC may cancel meetings or activities at short notice if fewer than 50 percent of members RSVP to attend.

Action items will be recorded and updated at each meeting.

Action items will be circulated with meeting minutes.

Minutes and action items will be reviewed at the beginning of each meeting.

MPC may invite, or the PARG may request, any person who is not appointed as a member to attend meetings, or part of a meeting, as an observer, technical specialist or guest speaker. Any such invitation or request will be subject to the approval of the Convener.

Members will receive updates on the project and action items on months when no meeting is held.

The first meeting will be held on a weekday between the hours of 9am - 8pm, lasting no more than 2.5 hours. Subsequent meeting days and location will be decided in consensus by PARG members. An in-person meeting venue in Canberra will be provided, members will also be provided with the option of dialling in to meetings.

MPC may ask PARG members to meet with the project team or government officers to discuss project matters where appropriate.

MPC may ask questions or request additional advice from PARG members outside of the scheduled meetings.

Out of session enquires can be directed to the Secretariat of the PARG by emailing

Expenses and remuneration

PARG members will be paid a modest stipend. Each member accepts responsibility for any personal expenses incurred as part of meeting attendance and participation.

Code of Conduct

The group is an inclusive, welcoming and safe space for all people attending. Each member is responsible for contributing to a safe, respectful and positive environment.

Members, attendees and guests agree to the following rules and standards of behaviour:

  • respect the views and opinions of other members
  • allow one person to speak at a time
  • be open and honest in all business relating to the PARG
  • discuss relevant issues from an arts community perspective, not for personal, political or vested interests
  • no member shall make public statements on matters raised or discussed in the PARG, or claim to speak on behalf of the PARG
  • respect confidentiality requirements
  • advise the Secretariat if unable to attend a meeting
  • material presented or discussed in the meeting should not be shared outside the meeting unless the material is already publicly available on the project website or YourSay website
  • adhere to media and social media protocols (as outlined below).

Media and social media protocols

  • To encourage open discussion at the meetings, we require members of the PARG to adhere to the following media/social media protocols:
  • members of the PARG are not authorised to provide written or verbal statements to the media/social media purporting to represent the views of the PARG
  • members are not permitted to record the meeting using electronic devices or take photographs unless permission is provided by the Chair
  • the Minutes are the authoritative record of the meeting
  • PARG members may utilise social and other media to comment on project matters in a personal capacity or on behalf of the organisation they represent, and in doing so must ensure that the views they express are understood to be personal/organisational views and not the views of other PARG members or the project team.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest arises where a PARG member has an interest that conflicts, could be perceived to conflict or has the potential to conflict with the interests of the Territory in delivering the Project.

Members, attendees and other participants must:

  • Disclose to the Convenor or Independent Facilitator any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest that may exist as soon as they become aware of the issue.
  • Take any necessary and reasonable measures to try and resolve the conflict.

Where required, the Convenor or Independent Facilitator may refer declarations of conflicts of interest to the Project’s Probity Adviser to ensure the impartiality of the member participants can be assured without imposing undue burdens on the individuals concerned.

The Convener will make the determination whether there are adequate grounds for excluding a member from any related discussion or decision making regarding a conflict-of-interest issue.

Conflicts of interest that may be sufficient to justify the termination of a member’s appointment must be considered by MPC. In such a situation, the Convener has the power to suspend the person’s membership until MPC’s agreement is obtained.


Each member is required to sign a deed of confidentiality at the time of appointment.

This policy applies to all members and invited persons.

The detail of deliberations, and any material provided to the PARG that is marked confidential must be treated confidentially in order to provide a forum for frank advice and debate. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to:

  • project risks, challenges, milestones and timeframes
  • project programming and stages
  • commercial-in-confidence information
  • personal information.

Invited persons attending PARG meetings may be asked to leave the meeting for confidential deliberations, if directed by the Convener.

Members of the PARG and invited persons must not discuss any conversations or circulate any meeting agendas, minutes, papers or other materials publicly, or in any other forum, without the consent of the Convener or the Secretariat.

The obligation of confidentiality will rest not just with the individual member but also with the administration and membership of their respective groups and organisations.

Project Governance

MPC is the Directorate responsible for the project scope, budget, program and leads delivery of the infrastructure project, in close consultation with several ACT Government agencies and oversight from the Canberra Theatre Redevelopment Project Board (the Project Board). The Project Board has a focus on strategic decision-making advice in relation to the Project and provides advice to the ACT Government. Stakeholder engagement, including the PARG, is led by MPC with oversight from the Project Board.