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Read through the comments of others and give them an upvote to help us see which ideas are most supported.

You might have an idea around one of these categories:

  • Bushfire awareness
  • Being prepared
  • Planning and policy
  • Bushfire recovery
  • Broad-area fuel reduction

Remember, you can also take the survey to help us learn how prepared Canberrans are for bushfires and what you think of the key points of the Strategic Bushfire Management Plan.

Share your idea or comments about what you think would help bushfire management in the ACT.

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Moderation Policy

25 June, 2024

Adam M says:

Support PCS to get resilient low impact trails in the right parts of the landscape. Historical alignments cause harm & need frequent fixes.

20 June, 2024

Ian Falconer says:

Parkcare groups, such as Friends of Aranda Bushland have detailed local knowledge, used to maximise benefits and minimise damage to ecology

20 June, 2024

Ian Falconer says:

Involve community groups with expertise in bushfire management in planning from the beginning In particular Parkcare and landholders

13 June, 2024

Ravi Krishnamurthy says:

Stay informed and vigilant. Raising bushfire awareness is crucial for protecting our communities during emergencies via mailbox reminder.