Latest update

A number of plans for project sites have been submitted to the planning and land authority for approval. For more information, and to provide comment on these Development Applications visit: ACT Healthy Waterways Sites and Progress.

Key facts

  • Includes grazing land, rural areas and some urban development.
  • Main water quality problems are generated upstream in the Gungahlin area and include high levels of nutrients and suspended solids, largely a result of rainwater running through areas cleared for housing construction.
  • Proposed housing developments in West Belconnen will put additional pressure on water quality in the area.
  • When it rains, the flow of water through the catchment can be relatively large, which has the potential to significantly affect water quality in Lake Ginninderra and the Murrumbidgee River.
  • Much of the water drains, with minimal treatment, into Ginninderra Creek then into the Murrumbidgee River.

Expected benefits

  • The priority projects will remove 112,300 kg/year of suspended solids, 158 kg/year of phosphorus and 804 kg/year of nitrogen from West Belconnen waterways.
  • Other benefits include enhanced open spaces, an increase in the diversity of the area’s natural habitat and opportunities for recreation.

Priority Project 1 - Wetlands

Croke Place, McKellar

A series of wetlands will be constructed in the open space next to the northern bank of Ginninderra Creek, downstream of Lake Ginninderra. Flows from residential areas will move through the wetlands for treatment. In addition to helping maintain water quality in the creek downstream of the lake, the wetlands will add to the amenity and ecology of the area (WB009).

Click here for full size version of plans. (WB009)

Share your views on West Belconnen Catchment Priority Project 1.

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Priority Project 2 - Wetlands and potential stormwater

Corner of Krefft Street and Barnard Circuit, Florey

Located in open space between St Francis Xavier College and Krefft Street, the new wetland will help improve water quality by slowing stormwater and trapping sediment and nutrients. Some of the captured and treated stormwater may be used to irrigate the St Francis Xavier College oval. Landscaping, including understorey planting, will improve the existing open space and provide opportunities for recreation and the enjoyment of nature (WB008)

Click here for full size version of plans. (WB008)

Share your views on West Belconnen Catchment Priority Project 2.

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Reserve Projects

Reserve projects have been identified for each catchment to allow for contingencies that may emerge during detailed design or construction. These projects may go ahead if any of the priority projects are no longer considered viable, unexpected savings are made in completing the priority projects, or additional funding becomes available. Designs have been prepared for the 10 highest ranked reserves across the six priority catchments. In the West Belconnen Catchment designs have been prepared for:


Corner of Ginninderra Drive and Copland Drive, Melba

Flows will be treated in the new wetland before flowing into Ginninderra Creek. High flows will bypass directly into Ginninderra Creek to the south of the wetland. In addition to helping improve water quality in the creek, the wetland will add to the amenity and ecology of the area. (WB004)

Click here for full size version of plans. (WB004)

Reserve Project - Corner of Ginnindera Drive and Copland Drive, Melba

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Tattersalls Crescent, Florey

The existing concrete-lined open channel that forms part of the floodway to the east of Page Neighbourhood Oval will be naturalised. Plantings in and beside

the channel will slow stormwater run-off and improve water quality and will enhance the environment around existing paths. (WB010)

Click here for full size version of plans. (WB010)

Reserve Project - Tattersalls Cresent, Florey

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Between Shakespeare Crescent, Fraser and Halls Creek

Located in Dunlop Grasslands, north of Fraser, a new wetland will include a gross pollutant trap. Together, they will intercept and treat low flow stormwater before it is discharged into Halls Creek. High flows will bypass the wetland and continue along the stormwater network. The wetland will improve amenity in the Dunlop Grasslands with minimal impact on open space. (WB013)

Click here for full size version of plans. (WB013)

Reserve project - Between Shakespeare Cresent, Fraser and Hall Creek

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Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name ACT Healthy Waterways (Basin Project)
Phone 132281