
Community and Industry Collaborate to Design Engagement

26 July 2019
Image of people talking in a small group.

Community member, peak bodies and industry representatives discussing planning values at the May workshops.

Representatives from community councils, peak bodies and planning industry joined EPSDD team members in May to co-design the engagement for the review.

With the ACT Planning Review underway, the directorate convened a series of workshops to engage representatives from the outset of the review and capture community and industry voices. Participants provided input on the draft scope of the review, refined the scope to focus on values, principles and mechanisms associated with planning and identified key questions to drive further engagement activities.

Building on the outcomes of these workshops, a number of activities will be rolled out to inform and engage with Canberran communities. Shaping Canberra's future through the development of a modern planning system under the review will involve broad community consultation, as well as targeted engagement with key stakeholder groups.

The reality is that this [the ACT Planning Review] will guide change over many years, and influence [will] change over time... the question is what must be done now for a better Canberra in the future?
(workshop participant)

The ACT Planning Review will examine what changes need to be made to deliver an easy to use planning system which delivers great outcomes as our city grows. The review will consider changes to the Territory Plan and ACT Planning and Development Act which enhance clarity, flexibility and encourage innovative design.

A full report of the workshop outcomes and findings can be found on the YourSay project site, along with guidelines for how to have your say on the ACT Planning Review.