How to have your say

Throughout June 2021, EPSDD ran workshops in all 8 of Canberra's urban districts to find out what you value in your District. We received strong interest across the community to participate in these workshops. The following activity complements the workshops.

To get started:

  1. Read through the FAQ below
  2. Watch our presentation to find out more about District Planning
  3. Click on your District below and work through ALL 5 maps to provide us with your feedback

1. Find out more about District Planning

What do you need to know about district planning to have your say? Explore the tabs below to find out.

We're improving our planning system and bringing in a new layer of planning at the district level.

In June 2021 we visited each of Canberra's 8 urban districts to hold face to face workshops. We asked participants to share ideas about how to build liveable, diverse, accessible, compact and efficient and sustainable and resilient districts.

This activity complements the work undertaken in the face to face sessions and gives you an opportunity to share your ideas about what should be considered for district planning in your area.

District Planning is a new strategic element in the planning system that will provide more planning guidance at a district area level and allow for the distinctive character of each district to be reflected in the planning system.

To find out more, watch the District Planning Presentation below.

The master planning program initiated under the 2012 Planning Strategy is complete across Canberra.

Existing planning information from the ACT Planning Strategy, Territory Plan and previous master plans will be reference as needed in district planning.

Our improved planning system will be less rules-based and more focussed on delivering good outcomes for Canberrans.

Key policies in district planning may be given statutory effect where appropriate. This would require those elements to be considered during DA assessments.

We want Canberra’s future planning to reflect what’s important to the community. District planning will provide direction for growth and change across each district of the ACT.

The Planning System Review and Reform Project included a review of national and international planning systems as well as feedback from the ACT community. We found there was an opportunity to add a district planning layer between the ACT Planning Strategy and the Territory Plan.

District Planning will be a new part of the planning system that will provide more planning guidance at a district area level and allow for the character of each district to be reflected in the planning system.

We want to know what the 5 themes from our Planning Strategy mean for you in your district, and how you see the future of your district changing within each of those themes.

Watch the presentation below for more information and then click on your district to have your say.

You'll find 5 separate tabs, each with a map of your area and a different theme from the 2018 Planning Strategy. Use the maps to leave your comments considering the theme and key questions within each tab.

2. Watch the following District Planning Presentation

Click the play button on the below presentation to watch the slides. A pdf copy of the presentation has been included in the document library for each district via the links below in step 3.

3. Find your District and have your say

Click on your district below to complete the map activity and have your say about district planning in your area.