Introducing district strategies

District strategies are a new level of strategic planning that we are introducing to the planning system. District strategies capture and protect the valued character and attributes of each of Canberra's nine districts.

The district strategies deliver the ACT Planning Strategy by providing more specific and targeted directions for each district. In short, they will guide the strategic management of growth and change on a district scale in the context of green and blue spaces, good travel connections, housing, employment growth and support our shopping centres.

During the consultation on the draft district strategies and draft Territory Plan, the community had the opportunity to ask questions to our planners. You can find these on the Ask a Question page.

You can also view the range of consultation activities we undertook with the community during February on the Engagement schedule page.

You can now take a high-level look at what we heard during consultation in the Listening Report. A more detailed look and the government's response is found in the consultation report.

What we looked at

The draft Gungahlin District Strategy captures the special character of Gungahlin and reflects the community's views on future planning priorities. It will help us manage growth and change in the district while protecting the things the community values most.

Directions for Gungahlin

Blue-green network

  • Enhance connectivity corridors for threatened species and woodland and grassland habitats between nature reserves including Kinlyside, Percival Hill, Madjung Mada, Budjan Galingji and Mulligans Flat.
  • Restore waterways and riparian corridors including along Ginninderra Creek and around Yerrabi and Gungahlin ponds to enhance water quality, aquatic and terrestrial riparian habitat and recreational values.

Economic access and opportunity across the city

  • Provide future economic opportunities by ensuring capacity for employment floorspace specifically including office uses in the Gungahlin town centre and positioning the centre to attract future development.
  • Protect the critical urban services role and function of Mitchell for northern Canberra.

Strategic movement to support city growth

  • Enhance public transport connections between Casey, Moncrieff and Amaroo group centres and the growing suburbs north of the Gungahlin town centre.

Sustainable neighbourhoods

  • Develop new greenfield suburbs (Jacka and Kenny) as exemplars of sustainable neighbourhoods, including appropriate zero carbon transition initiatives.

Inclusive centres and communities

  • Deliver new schools, Amaroo tennis centre, Casey Community Recreation Irrigated Park (CRIP) and a community centre in the town centre alongside other new community and recreational facilities to address existing identified gaps and future demand.

Gungahlin District Strategy quick comment

3 March, 2023

Ronald Raygun says:

I support high density council housing in Jacka. Like 30 stories or more. Nice and dense and out of my way.

3 March, 2023

Real Ginninderra says:

Wail at this wall all you want.labour and greens, and ACT PLA worked out infill areas long ago. Everything else is just windows dressing.

3 March, 2023

Jacka for future says:

Build higher density in green fields suburbs that have not yet been built. Cheaper than trying to infill closer in.

3 March, 2023

CraigGC says:

With 18,200 extra people forecast centre of Gungahlin by 2060 (ACT Gov Pop). Need supporting District Strategy & infrastructure Plan.

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #13: Consideration for more regulations to ensure adequate green space and permeable surfaces for all new developments.

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #12: a. inadequate parking facilities across whole district. b. Lack of suitable roads that are too narrow or single lane

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #11: If an extension of light rail to Moncrieff etc, this should be allowed in the plan to avoid need for future redesign

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #10: District strategy should include Hall and all other surrounding rural lands within the Gungahlin district ACT.

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #9: Commit to and ensure all new suburbs, including Jacka and Kenny are zero emissions suburbs

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #8: Provide greater inclusion and resourcing for First-Nations people within the District Strategy

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #7: Develop strategies for the design and management of reserves to allow the public to visit whilst protecting biodiversity

3 March, 2023

Ginninderra CG says:

RECOMMENDATION #6: Ensure that all current reserves and large natural urban open spaces are retained and not at risk from development