
Planning Bill 2022 tabled in Legislative Assembly

10 October 2022

The Planning Bill 2022 was introduced in the ACT Legislative Assembly on 21 September 2022.

The Bill will form the cornerstone of the ACT’s new planning system. It proposes a range of changes to the current structure and function of our planning system and will help make Canberra an even better place to live while also protecting the environment.

Earlier in the year, Canberrans had their say on the draft Planning Bill and shared over 300 pieces of individual feedback. We would like to thank all community members and key stakeholders who contributed. Your feedback and insights on the draft Bill means the Planning Bill 2022 addresses key community priorities and reflects the views of Canberrans. You can see the consultation report on YourSay and a document that summarises the changes from the current planning Act on YourSay.

Image of apartment blocks on Chowne Street in Campbell, ACT

The Bill supports the development of an all-new outcomes-focussed Territory Plan, and introduces a new tier within the planning system – district strategies. The nine new district strategies recognise that the needs of residents and businesses differ across the Territory. They will protect and promote the character, aspirations and values of each district in the ACT. Community engagement on the draft district strategies and new Territory Plan is expected to commence before the end of the year, so keep an eye out!

The Bill is currently undergoing Legislative Assembly Inquiry with submissions to that Inquiry closing on 16 November. On conclusion of the Inquiry, the Bill is scheduled for debate in early 2023.