
What do you value about the district you live in?

18 May 2021

We are currently considering how district planning can be incorporated within the planning system, and we want to better understand what Canberrans value about districts and what is important to capture in that level of planning.

Family at Forde wetlands

Throughout 2019 and into 2020 we have been reviewing the ACT planning system and have also benchmarked elements of it against other national and international planning systems.

One of the ways for us to address what we've already heard about the ACT planning system, and deliver improvements, is to incorporate a new level of strategic planning in our system - District Planning – that will improve the line of sight from the Planning Strategy to the Territory Plan.

District Planning is a new strategic element in the planning system that will provide more planning guidance at a district area level and allow for the distinctive character of each district to be reflected in the planning system.

District planning will be undertaken for each of the eight urban districts in the ACT as follows:

  • Belconnen
  • Gungahlin
  • Molonglo
  • Inner North
  • Inner South
  • Tuggeranong
  • Weston Creek
  • Woden Valley

We are running workshops in each of these 8 districts over June and want to know what you value about the district you live in. Registrations are now open on the ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project homepage.