
What updated population projections mean for draft district strategies

23 February 2023

The ACT Government has released updated population projections based on new data collected during the 2021 census.

The draft strategies, released in November 2022, already consider this growth over a slightly longer timeframe.

The updated population projections indicate a need to accelerate delivery of 100,000 new homes by 2050, instead of previous data which predicted this growth by 2063.

The draft district strategies set out a plan to further progress the ACT Government’s target for 70 per cent of new dwellings to be located within the existing urban footprint, as set out in the 2018 ACT Planning Strategy. This has not changed with these new projections.

Your feedback you share with us on the draft district strategies and draft new Territory Plan remains as relevant and vital as it did prior to the new population figures.

We want to hear from as many Canberrans as possible so we can plan for this growth in a way that meets the needs of the city and its citizens.

You can view these new population projections on the ACT Treasury website.

You can leave your feedback on the draft district strategies and draft new Territory Plan on YourSay.