Project status: Closed
The Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (SBMP) Action 6.10 requires a review of Bushfire Management Standards (BMS). The ACT's Bushfire Management Standards Working Group has identified the need for fundamental changes to the 2014 BMS.
The 2023 ACT Bushfire Management Standards draft document (17MB) has been developed and we have been seeking feedback on this to ensure any concerns are addressed before the document is finalised.
The survey has now closed and we are a now assessing the feedback.
Current BMS are based on a unique approach which weights requirements on exposure to fire from westerly directions, (assumed bushfire attack direction), and does not factor in slope. This ACT approach is called the Asset Interface Classification system, (AIC). All other Australian jurisdictions utilize the approaches which align with, or compliment AS 3959, Australian Standard for construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas, and the National Construction Code, (NCC).
The ACT is the only jurisdiction which utilises this approach and planners, development proponents, and bushfire consultants must adapt to using this methodology. Current BMS, and SBMP, do not include detailed requirements, or advice for identified ‘sensitive’ developments such as schools, aged care, and health facilities etc. The SBMP states that sensitive developments in BPA can only be approved by the Commissioner, but provides no guidance for proponents, or Emergency Services Agency (ESA) staff. Currently for sensitive developments, staff and proponents usually revert to using the NSW RFS document Planning for Bushfire Protection, (PBP), now 2019 version.
For development, PBP details appropriate site assessment methodology and classification as per the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and details the required suite of bushfire protective measures. Acceptable solutions, (Deemed-to-Satisfy), and performance measures are being aligned with PBP and included in the revised BMS, and this provides guidance to proponents, and ESA staff assessing proposals. Executives approving Agency comment can have confidence that staff assessing proposals have more detailed and rigorous standards, aligned with NSW, reflecting best industry practice.
The 2023 BMS incorporates the old ACT BMS, relevant sections of NSW RFS PBP, ACT Planning for Bushfire Risk Mitigation General Code 2008 and incorporates bushfire protection elements from the ACT Estate Development Code.
Key sections of PBP have been extracted and used in the new ACT BMS, rather than referencing the whole document. This is due to sections of PBP with conflicting terminology, or information which would otherwise cause confusion due to different planning provisions and processes within the ACT. Discussions with NSW RFS have led to the support of adoption of PBP methodology and materials as required by the ACT.
Ensure the 2023 ACT Bushfire Management Standards are understandable and easy for people to use, so the ACT Community is well prepared for the impact of bushfire when they are living within the Bushfire Prone area as defined by the ACT Emergency Services Agency.