Canberra Health Services, in partnership with Australian Network on Disability, consulted with a range of stakeholders to gather information to inform the development of the high level goals and actions in the draft Canberra Health Services Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.

WhenMethod of consultationWho was consultedHow many
August 2021Online SurveyTeam members, Patients/consumers, Carers, Visitors and external stakeholders. 94 responses
August 2021InterviewsTeam members in positions that provide services to people with disability, support team members with a disability or manage infrastructure at the hospital7 interviews
August 2021Focus GroupsExternal stakeholders, clinical and non-clinical team members3 groups
September and October 2021Online SurveyCommunity members through advocacy networks and social media45 responses

Team members refers to Canberra Health Service employees.

External Stakeholders refers to non-government organisations, private practitioners and support groups.