Thank you. This survey is closed. Find out what we heard from you in our listening report.

Please give us your feedback

Your feedback will help guide our approach to defining and listing prohibited practices under the Senior Practitioner Act 2018.

This survey guides you to respond to a range of issues raised by creating a prohibition restrictive practices list.

The survey is based on the discussion paper.

We want to hear from disability and education services providers and people who may be subject to a restrictive practice, families and carers, and advocacy groups on this proposal.

By defining and listing prohibited practices we want to make it clearer for providers and contribute to further safeguarding people on whom restrictive practices are used.

Regulating prohibited practices will also ensure that the rules in the ACT are more consistent with other jurisdictions and the NDIS National Quality and Safeguarding Framework.

Your privacy

Personal information in your comments or submission will be collected by the ACT Government for the purposes of informing the development of legislation. If you provide contact details, we may contact you for further information on the issues you raise. Your comments or submission may also be provided to others with an interest in these reforms.

This survey is confidential and anonymous, unless you chose to provide contact details.

You can find our full Privacy Policy on our website

This survey will be open until 5pm on Friday 24 February 2023.

Online survey