The ACT Government intents to amend the territory's road transport laws to allow electric scooters (e-scooters) and similar personal mobility devices to travel legally in the nation’s capital. E-scooter use in particular has increased globally, particularly via e-scooter rideshare operators. The purpose of this discussion paper is to seek views from Canberra on appropriate regulatory settings for e-scooter and similar devices.
Electric scooters are currently not permitted to be used on roads and road related areas in the ACT. The penalties for using an e-scooter in the ACT can be significant. Infringement notices can include a penalty of $151 for using an e-scooter, $600 for using an unregistered vehicle and $903 for using an uninsured vehicle.
The ACT Government recognises the benefits these devices provide including environmental benefits such as reduced pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and noise. They provide an alternative to a motor vehicle for greater mobility choice, including providing a first and last mile travel solution, as well as direct cost savings to users because of reduced spending on petrol and vehicle maintenance. E-scooters have the potential to provide an innovative, zero-emission transport option for people who would otherwise drive and we are seeking community views on the best and safest way to regulate their use.