Tell us your thoughts on the draft place plan

18 May, 2023

ilona says:

Comparing highly urbanised European cities as examples of enviable urban planning is questionable in deciding Canberra's unique qualities.

18 May, 2023

Sigrid says:

Are ugliest looking ad hoc light industrial developments in Canberra necessary? Dangerous intersections for Fyshwick 's secondary roads.

17 May, 2023

Aries says:

Economic value on natural environment, water quality and best practice essential. No more ugly Acton foreshore blueprints. Causeway s.o.s

11 May, 2023

Fleagal says:

Existing causeway residents should stay or be rehoused in place not shipped out to the suburbs to make room for developers.

9 May, 2023

Dipper says:

Wary of the landfill buffer being earmarked for possible "long-term" development. I highly value the natural space in this area.

7 May, 2023

Rob Chalmers says:

Eastlake is the place name not East Lake. If you wish to maintain that connection it is Eastlake as per the football club.

6 May, 2023

Irina says:

There should be a bicycle link included in the plan, ideally linking the CIT & markets to the lake circuit without on road cycling.

6 May, 2023

Fred says:

Explain in detail how the diverse housing will be built if its by developers then it will be shoddy construction with no imagination.

6 May, 2023

Gardiner says:

Lots of pictures and spin but in the small print is the some 8 storey apartment blocks which I would not support.

1 May, 2023

Vivienne says:

How about a new dedicated facility for table tennis ACT. The building is old and bursting at the seams with keen table tennis players.

1 May, 2023

Andrew says:

Need better bike and footbath infrastructure especially crossing at the wenworth ave/sturt ave roundabout.

30 April, 2023

Genelle S says:

Don’t do it. Fix up Wright and Coombs first. No police station, breakins high, Methadone users in Coombs as Northborne Flats demolished.