Project status: Closed
How you had YourSay:
From 10 October to 9 December 2019, we asked for your thoughts on the revised Client Services Charter for 2019-2022. Thank you for your feedback and input into the revised Charter.
The form is now closed. If you would like to take a look at what we asked, you can see the form here.
We are looking at:
The ACT Human Rights Commission promotes the human rights and welfare of all people living in the ACT. Respect and protection of human rights underpins their work.
The Client Services Charter is developed under s18B of the Human Rights Commission Act 2005, and includes:
- who the Human Rights Commission is
- what the community can expect when dealing with the Human Rights Commission
- how the Human Rights Commission will provide services to the community
- how the community can help the Human Rights Commission to improve their services by giving feedback, or to complain if things go wrong
We will use your views to:
The final Charter will reflect the needs and expectations of the community.