About the Maternity in Focus Advisory Group
The Advisory Group is an opportunity to provide advice to the ACT Government on reforming ACT’s public maternity system. The group will support the implementation of the Maternity in Focus: First Action Plan 2022-2025. The group will also identify future collaboration opportunities by advising on steps required to deliver the vision of the Maternity in Focus: The Public Maternity System Plan 2022-2032 (act.gov.au).
The ACT Government and the Maternity in Focus Project Team have commenced work on the Maternity in Focus First Action Plan 2022-2025. The actions identified for implementation over the next 4 years will deliver essential reform, create the foundation to evolve the public maternity system and deliver the Government’s commitment to deliver better care when and where people need it.
About the Perinatal Mental Health Reference Group
This Reference Group will support both ACT Government and National commitments. From the Maternity in Focus First Action Plan, the Reference Group will support Goal 5: Improve access to Mental Health and wellbeing support: Support individual’s and families’ psychosocial wellbeing through increased early access to services and supports.
There are also commitments under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement, namely Universal perinatal mental health screening, contribute to a National Perinatal Mental Health Minimum dataset, identify and address gaps in perinatal mental health screening and respond to unmet perinatal mental health need.
Who will be on the Advisory Group and Reference Group?
The Advisory Group and Reference Group will include representation from health professionals from nursing and midwifery, medical and allied health disciplines and specialties across the ACT public health system. Key clinical, non-clinical and community stakeholder partners from across the ACT and surrounding NSW region are also expected to be represented.
We are seeking a diverse membership inclusive of consumers, carers and community members with lived experience and knowledge of the ACT public maternity system.
Your role as a consumer or community representative
As a formal member your role will be to present your perspective. You will provide valuable insights on how those who use the health services think and feel. As a consumer or carer, your role will be to contribute from the perspective of lived experience or expertise.
You will ensure that your point of view or experience is considered and addressed in the decision-making process that leads to better support the needs of individuals accessing the public maternity systems and the multidisciplinary health professionals working within the system.
This role can be filled by persons of any age or background. The greater the diversity, the richer the viewpoint and more robust the process in which the Advisory Group and Reference Group will function.
It may be necessary for consumer, carer and community representatives to complete a Declaration of Confidentiality form.
Time commitment
Your time commitment as a consumer or community representative will vary slightly depending on the membership:
- The Maternity in Focus Advisory Group will meet every three months.
- The Reference Group will meet every two months.
- Meeting frequency will be reviewed annually thereafter by the Advisory or Reference Group with the view to considering the best meeting frequency moving forward.
In addition to this, members are required to have flexibility to be contacted via email and to commit to approximately 1 hour prior to each meeting to review information before meetings.
Consumers, community members and clinicians who are not employed in any capacity by health services and agencies will be eligible for reimbursement for attending meetings.
Consumer, carers and community representatives are entitled for reimbursement of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of their role as a representative.
The pro-rata nature of the payment is indicative of additional costs which may be incurred with additional time required, for example parking, or internet access. Reimbursement covers reasonable out-of-pocket costs associated with attendance at a meeting. It is not a payment for time/hours 'worked' or reimbursement of consumer time.
The standard reimbursement rate is $75.00 per meeting of two hours or less, or pro-rata as specified. For meetings longer than two hours, a pro-rata rate of reimbursement is provided in half hourly increments.
Reimbursement for consumers, carers and community representatives, as per the ACT Health Directorate's Consumer, Carer and Community Representative Reimbursement Policy will be provided for meetings and some out-of-session engagements.
Membership support
The ACT Health Directorate will support consumer and carer members by:
- Providing orientation and training to you regarding meeting activities and your role as a representative on the Advisory Group or Reference Group.
- Ensuring consumers and carer representatives are supported to understand the content and context of meetings.
- Respecting the cultural identity and lived experience of consumers and carers and supporting you to contribute and provide feedback regarding meeting activities.
- Ensuring you have the access to meetings and papers.
- Keeping in regular contact with you and be
available should you require further support or information.
- Communicating the requirement of reimbursement and ensuring reimbursement is processed.
I am interested,
how do I apply?
To join please complete the Expression of Interest Nomination form by 18 August 2023.
Submissions will be considered for membership in accordance with ACT Government policies listed below:
- Diversity and Inclusion Framework
- Public sector Management Act 1194
- Public sector Management standards 2016
- ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Agreement 2019-2028
- Multiculturalism Act 2023
- ACT Discrimination Act 1991
- The ACT Children and Young People’s Commitment 2015–2025
- ACT Carers Strategy Vision, Outcomes and Priorities Statement
- Capital of Equality: An ACT Government strategy to deliver equitable outcomes for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex & Queer (LGBTIQ+) people 2019–2023
Terms of Reference
The Maternity in Focus Advisory Group Terms of Reference are available.
The Perinatal Mental Health Reference Group is currently being established with membership, appointment periods and meeting arrangements to be determined during the establishment process. A draft Perinatal Mental Health Reference Group Terms of Reference will be developed during this establishment phase.