Which minimum standards should be introduced for rental properties in the ACT? Or, how should occupancy laws be changed?

Leave your comments below by 2 September 2024. Approved comments will appear in the forum where they can be discussed and voted on by others. (max 140 characters).

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25 July, 2024

Dr k says:

We make so little profit from our Canberra rental property after all the costs, we’d probably remove it from the rental market.Retired .

25 July, 2024

ACTcommie says:

Since the gov thinks it can run the economy better than a free market why don't the gov just build and rent houses instead.

25 July, 2024

Robert says:

I dont see any issue with having minimum standards but the government should subsidise any related to making the property energy efficient.

25 July, 2024

Good Samaritan says:

ACT government please think of something better to do with your time and tax payer money than to disturb a perfectly running ACT rental mkt.

24 July, 2024

dan says:

Minimum efficiency standards for included appliances, or dryers and dishwashers. Requiring all applications to have a delay feature

23 July, 2024

Renter says:

Create rental inspectors that approval places to rent, do random inspections and can be called in an emergency and issue orders and fines.

23 July, 2024

drillvoice says:

The standard should require energy-efficient RCAC. This will help to reduce energy costs and reduce heatwave health risks.