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8 October, 2023

Phone Lockers says:

Many schools in NSW and QLD have implemented small mobile phone lockers including the SchoolTech Phone Locker by TechXpress.

8 October, 2023

Ban for all students says:

College students are the ones who are most distracted by phones at school. Please ban for all students not just K to 10.

8 October, 2023

Aarthi says:

College students are more like young adults with greater responsibility than K-10. Having access during non-class times would reflect this.

8 October, 2023

ANON says:

Why has this gone to consultation? It is the role of a government to carefully weigh up the evidence and put in place well informed policy.

8 October, 2023

Student says:

Should be a K-10 ban as college student ps have more free time and have more independent lives where they should be able to self-regulate.

8 October, 2023

Ish says:

K-10 is best as college kids have more independent lives + free time during school and may need phones to manage this and break up workload

8 October, 2023

Ish says:

Should be K-10: College kids are facing the reality of having access to phones during uni/work and should be old enough to make good choices

8 October, 2023

Local Psychologist says:

Mobile phone use in children reduces social engagement, which is fundamental to child development. ban mobile phone use at school.

8 October, 2023

Mum says:

Phones away all day policy please. Kids need to socialise face to face. No phone at lunch or recess - schools should be phone free for kids

8 October, 2023

Sacha says:

As a parent, I would really like to see ACT schools ban the use of personal mobile devices during school hours.

8 October, 2023

Binx says:

Please ban the use of phones during school time. They have a detrimental effect on young people's ability to learn and develop social skills

8 October, 2023

A mum no less says:

Skimming these posts I get the feeling our leaders are just waiting to be led. Chicken little to just go do what needs to be done.

8 October, 2023

A mum no less says:

It IS the role of the ACT Government (or random teachers) to decide what kind of phone use is acceptable for children.

8 October, 2023

A mummy no less says:

Ban. Not permitted on grounds. Little darlings can arrange plans with mummy after school or through front desk landline or email.

8 October, 2023

Ines says:

Really, we have to discuss this? NSW just get to it and the ban starts this coming Monday T4 2023. ACT gov, you really are tiresome.

8 October, 2023

Anon says:

A bell to bell ban is the only path to ensuring adolescents have a chance to connect socially and get enough physical activity during breaks

6 October, 2023

Anon says:

Ban during class. Allow during lunch & breaks otherwise kids will get around it but also can’t contact parents etc.

6 October, 2023

Lesley Blackman says:

It is not the role of the ACT Government (or random teachers) to decide what kind of phone use is acceptable for children.

6 October, 2023

Eloise says:

Kids should only have phones with very limited functionality anyway - voice & text only, no camera, no internet. Restrict smartphones to 18+

5 October, 2023

$1 = Millionaire says:

We have a phone in bags policies at the school I teach at... I could be a millionaire with how many times I say 'phone in your bag please'

5 October, 2023

Tas says:

Part 2- there do need to be some exceptions based on actual need not wants of student or parent. Perhaps based on the IEP?

5 October, 2023

Tas says:

One of my children has a vision impairment and does need their phone for accessibility. My other child does not need their phone.

2 October, 2023

RMcC says:

Let's not ask staff to collect and return phones. Spend our education $s on education. Students/parents responsible for no phones, surely.

28 September, 2023

Thinky says:

Disappointed at the number of comments from people who obviously didn't read the discussion paper, or ignored it due to their personal bias.

28 September, 2023

Thinky says:

Policy should differentiate between smartphones/phablets, which are essentially mini computers, and devices that only allow basic comms.

27 September, 2023

Kevin says:

The chromebooks are a nightmare too. Parents have no control over them. Teachers rely too heavily on them. Kids are distracted & disengaged.

26 September, 2023

Clarissa says:

No phones in school. They're distracting, anti social behaviour like organising fights.

25 September, 2023

RJ says:

I think banning them for K-10 is the best option. College students are young adults and should be treated as such.

24 September, 2023

BM says:

Mobile phones are not necessary in schools. They are a distraction from learning, anti-social and can be used out of school hours/ privately

23 September, 2023

Anna says:

Ban phones in schools for all years but enable kids that need them such as those with diabetes, hearing loss or neurodiverse to access them

23 September, 2023

Student says:

Ban from bell to bell and stop the distractions in class.

23 September, 2023

Ines. says:

I'm with CHEN on sep 20th. A lot of parents complete soft head ignorance. Not aware what device use is having on their kids development

23 September, 2023

Ines says:

Is this a typical act.giv.au "consultation"

22 September, 2023

Mum says:

Will there be a different set of rules to manage smart watches that have the capacity to make calls? Total ban on calls during school hrs.

22 September, 2023

Mum says:

Phones should be allowed to provide safety for children that commute home via public transport - total ban on use during school hrs though.

21 September, 2023

Teacher fed up says:

Every day I have to argue with students and then their parents about phone use in class. Then I get told it's my problem to deal with. BAN!