This project is open for feedback

The Molonglo Valley is one of Canberra’s newest districts, comprising of 4 existing suburbs (Coombs, Denman Prospect, Whitlam and Wright) and a further 4 suburbs proposed to be built.

The ACT Government is undertaking work to make sure the facilities and services in the area meet the needs of the community. To do this, we need to hear your suggestions on what community and recreational facilities you would like to see in your neighbourhood. This engagement is important not only for residents in the Molonglo Valley but for future residents of the district and for people residing in the neighbouring areas.

How to have YourSay

  • Come and see us in person

    Come along to one of our pop-ups to get more information and have a face-to-face chat.
    See times below:

    Denman Prospect shops | 12 June 2023 | 1pm - 3pm

    Denman Village Park | 22 June 2024 | 9am - 11am

    Denman Prospect shops | 27 June 2024 | 3pm - 5pm

    Wright Woolworths Metro | 28 June 2024 | 3pm - 5pm

We are looking at

The ACT Government is undertaking a Community and Recreational Facilities Needs Assessment for the district of the Molonglo Valley.

What is a community and recreational needs assessment?

A needs assessment is a strategic approach used to plan for future community and recreational facilities. The project also includes an audit of existing and committed (but not yet constructed) facilities within the Molonglo Valley.

For the Molonglo Valley, the needs assessment will:

  • consider the broad range of social and community uses required for a diverse and changing community (e.g. arts and culture, community, health and recreation);
  • consider both outdoor and indoor recreational facilities;
  • consider opportunities for co-location and multiple-use facilities;
  • make recommendations on future community and recreational facilities including approximate floorspace, area, zoning and notional location.

Please note: Schools, emergency services, outdoor sports playing fields and playgrounds are not being considered within the Needs Assessment as they are already identified within previous planning processes or will be considered in detail at the detailed suburban planning stage.

What we have heard

Through previous engagement, Molonglo Valley residents said there is much to value in the district that makes it a great place to live. They particularly value:

  • the open green space and access to the natural environment including the connection to the Molonglo River corridor
  • Stromlo Forest Park
  • the modern style of housing and development
  • connections throughout the district created by quality walking and cycling paths
  • the district has a central location close to multiple town centres
  • a feeling of safety with well-lit streets, engaged neighbours and a sense of community
  • that their district is clean and well-maintained.

As a part of the ACT Planning System Review and Reform project, a district strategy for the Molonglo Valley has been prepared to provide more specific and targeted directions for the area. Insights from the Molonglo Valley District Strategy engagement found community members wanted more community engagement during the planning and development stages, as well as community facilities such as community centres and greenspaces.

We will use your views to

Your suggestions will inform the development of the final Community and Recreational Needs Assessment for the Molonglo Valley district. A consultation report outlining what we heard will be published on YourSay.

Image of current and future planned community facilities